what's the plan? (8)

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so hi! turns out writing is a little harder than i thoughts especially with school being back :/ anyway i will try to update as quick as possible but pls forgive me cuz i'm literally in the middle of maths right now ;)

Davina's POV

My head is spinning a lot, the surface beneath me seeming very unsteady as if I could just tip and fall over at any given moment. I could hear distant voices that sounded muffled from whatever was over my head, I couldn't quite decipher what they were saying or even who they were. The darkness around me was lonely and I couldn't really get air inside my lungs.

I was a shaking mess and the tears wouldn't stop cascading down my hot cheeks. The last thing I remember was getting out of Z's car and a gun being pointed at our heads.

Oh my God, my dad found us. We were literally just fooling ourselves running but now we're gonna die.

Fucking great.

I was really trying to control my breathing because my inhaler for sure isn't here. I tried to find my voice to try and speak up, but before I could even think about where we were, the bag over my head was roughly pulled. The light immediately hits my eyes and blind me for a second, I needed a good few second to adjust to it.

Jesus Christ, I might as well be dead. My eyes felt extremely dry even though I couldn't stop crying and when I finally opened my eyes I realize that I was in fact very much alive and there were four extremely dangerous-looking men standing in front of me. I couldn't help but notice the extremely unpleased expressions and guns on their waistbands.

"Who are you?" I finally find my voice, looking directly at the blurry silhouette of the scariest guy in the room. He was at least five foot eleven and had way too many tattoos. I could also see his green eyes, they looked very dark because of the dim light but were really sharp.

He makes a tsk noise and crouches down in front of me, placing his large hands on my shaking knees. I couldn't help but flinch at his touch, pinching my eyes shut.

"I'd ask the same about you darling."

"My mom owns a house in the hills, me and my friend went there to escape school a bit," I lie for my sake and finally realize that Zayn is in fact here with me. I immediately send him begs for help, but he did nothing except stare at one of the guys and it sends me spiralling even more

a low chuckle fills the silent room as I hold my breath once more. "Oh love, has daddy not taught you not to lie?" The green-eyed one says in a mocking tone while holding my cheek with one of his hands, caressing it slowly. this can't be happening.

"Fuck sake Harry, office now!" the smallest one of them yells with an angry expression, pulling Harry's shoulder so he would get up.

Who even are these people and how the fuck did they find out about my mom's place. It's really off the maps and she did everything to delete any records of her old life before us.

I look around to see a guy with brown hair still staring at Zayn, his name might be Liam from what I've noticed. The fake blonde is called Ni or something. They both got a deck of cards and went to sit by a fireplace from what I could tell.

I look around me to the apartment we've been brought to. It was very modern, the wall-length windows extended as far as I could see, and just by looking at them I could see we were very high up even though it was night time already. I could see all of Oxford from here.

If I'm still in Oxford, that is. I have no idea how long I've been passed out for, from all I know we could be in another country.

There was a big, white L-shaped couch that Zayn and I were placed on, another smaller couch across from us and a centre table separating them. Behind it was a fake fireplace and huge bookcase that extended all the way to the roof. All the floors were made of a shiny ceramic tile, so it gave the room a very chic atmosphere.

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