You want that? (22) *

451 18 302

I never trust a playboy
But they love me
They say I did something bad
then why's it feel so good?

Davina's POV (tw: sexual content)

"We're leaving!" I heard Louis yell from downstairs before the apartment door was closed shut.

Him, Liam and Niall were going down to a pub but Harry decided to be the one staying back and watching us. I really hope things don't get to awkward because of last time, also because Zayn walked in right in the middle and I'm pretty sure he figured out what was going on.

But God that was like one of the best kisses I've ever had. Harry had such an intensity to his moves it left me breathless and still wanting more. I wonder if he wants more.

Fuck it shouldn't have happened though. I can't enjoy this, it has to be strictly directed towards my goal of getting us out of here. He's a terrible person Davina, wake up.

Right now I was laying in bed staring at the dark ceiling, Zayn was fast asleep and Harry was probably in his room or the office.

I'm so bored.

They left pretty late already so I don't think they'll be back any time soon, so I might as well go to sleep.

Closing my eyelids, I let sleep take over my tired mind. Thoughts of better and brighter days illuminating my thoughts like a lullaby coating me away from daily stress and worry.

So happy.

My peaceful state doesn't last long enough though, no sooner I had been woken by noises that seemed to come from downstairs.

They weren't very loud however I'm a light sleeper at times so it woke me up anyway.

I glance at the beside table and see it reads 4:27 at the digital clock. I need more sleep than this, I can barely function lately.

I huff and close my eyes again, trying to go back to sleep. Whatever is going on is none of my business.

The thing is that I couldn't go back to sleep if I tried now as the noise kept going and going. So against my logic, I decide to get up and check it out.

I get out of the warmth of the comfortable duvet and feel the cold floor against my feet, head still heavy from sleep deprivation. Slowly opening the door, I step out into the hallway and glance back at Zayn to make sure he's still sleeping. Then shutting the door completely.

I walk down the long hallway and pass all the mysterious closed doors, then going down the stairs as quietly as I could until I saw a small light at the kitchen area.

I cross my arms over my stomach and walk towards it, anticipating who or what I would probably encounter. Hopefully I don't walk into anyone having sex because that'd be awkward.

As I come to the doorway, a shirtless figures comes to my vision. He was writing something and looking rather distracted.

I come to realize it's Harry once his soft eyes catch me starting at him. He looked surprised I was there but thankfully not angry for once.

He looked to be doing something important so I instantly feel bad for interrupting.

"Oh sorry, I'm gonna go-" I start quietly but he cuts me off.

"No it's alright, you can stay." He says just as quietly and it catches me very much off guard. He wants me to stay?

I hesitantly nod and walk further into the kitchen, taking a seat across from him. He continues to write on his notebook as I take the time to analyze his calm features.

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