to love is to destroy (41)

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Hello my lovelies, before we continue this story there is one thing I would like to address. Zayn is NOT the bad guy here, please don't treat him as such and even though it's hard, try to have a little empathy. I've gotten a really upsetting feedback from someone who says they would stop reading my book because Zayn is always the bad guy, and while I can understand where this person is coming from I ask you to remember a few things. Even though Zayn is a fictional character, he's only 20. He's young, scared and pressured by his family, he made some stupid mistakes and like in any good story he will have to face the consequences of them because things don't stop existing only for the sake of him being likable. Like it was explained and I've phrased many times before, he did what he thought was right for the people he loved, and even though he is obviously mistaken and has been intentionally misled, I ask you to try and understand the story from his point of view and how much he has been dealing with (even though that has not been the main focus of the story, he did go through some shit just like Davina.)

With that, I hope you're enjoying the book and if there is any questions or concerns, please do ask me and I'll do my best to clarify.

Harry's POV

"It's just a pill, Davina," I playfully roll my eyes at her, standing between her parted legs as she sat on the kitchen counter. Her eyes burned into mine with anger and affection all at once, those shades of brown were driving me insane.

Niall just got back from the pharmacy and we were all having breakfast, but Davina was being stubborn and wouldn't take the damn pill because it was too 'big'. It seriously wasn't that bad.

"I'm gonna choke if I have that," She shakes her head, staring at the white pill with a disgusted look on her face.

The opportunity was right there, I had to take it. "Didn't know you had a problem with choking ." I shrug my shoulders trying my best to hide my smirk.

Her cheeks immediately heat up with that adorable blush of hers, pushing my shoulder and looking around the kitchen to see if anyone heard us. To her dismay, Louis was staring back with a disappointed look. "You guys are fucking gross." He give us a head shake and proceeds to take a sip of his tea.

Davina gives me a pointed look, taking the pill from my hand and throwing it in her mouth without another word. I give her the glass of water and let my hand fall to her thigh, watching as she almost downed the whole thing with a disgusted face.

Once she's done, she places the glass down and crosses her arm. Her lips were pouting in a way that made me wanna kiss her so hard, lines of frown on her forehead signaling she wasn't so happy about this. I can't help the smile escaping my lips, she was just too cute, reaching over to place a kiss on her forehead and feeling as all the lines smooth away.

It was still quite early in the morning and I was only awake because Ashton made sure to wake up the whole house, that asshole. The brisky morning air made its way inside through all the open windows, a chilly breeze sending shivers down my spine as a reminder summer is almost over. I wore some of Callum's clothes since we didn't have anything with us, and so did the rest of the boys. Even Davina, who was swimming in Luke's sweatpants and shirt but she looked so comfortable.

"I think I did it!" Luke's loud voice makes all of our attentions shift towards him, the guys who sat on the kitchen table leaning closer to see what he found out.

"Oh my god," Louis says in a surprised tone, rubbing his eyes out of tiredness but still had a proud smile on his lips nonetheless. Louis and Luke always helped each other out, so this must be an achievement for both of them. "You actually fucking did it."

Me and Davina stare at each other with a curious expression, soon enough she's hopping off the counter and I'm following to see what was so interesting. "What did you guys find?" Davina asks softly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and resting her hands on Niall's shoulders.

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