What people think(58)

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Hi, Lovelies! Yes I know, I'm awful. But hey... at least I'm updating right?

Harry's POV

We made it home.

After I don't know how long, I finally walked, or rather, tumbled through the front doors. Davina on my arm, Louis and Mackenzie trailing just behind us, still alive, still breathing. Just barely.

Louis slams the front door and starts activating his alarms, but I don't stop to ask if he needs any help, I don't even stop to check on Mackenzie, I just keep pulling Davina and myself towards the stairs. At this point, I'm not entirely sure how the hell my body is still functioning, I just know the adrenaline is running low and I'm about to collapse. I can't collapse, I can't give up now. Davina is barely functioning, she needs one of us.

I struggle a deep inhale down my lungs and ignore the cold sweat on my forehead, holding onto the steel railing with all my might and pushing myself up the steps. Everything was ten times harder because Davina was starting to get unsteady on her feet, and she wouldn't listen as I told her to hold onto the wall. I keep pushing and pushing, feeling the pressure crush my lungs and legs tremble, but I make it to the top. I make it to our bedroom.

The door was left ajar, open just enough so I could see inside, but it makes me stop in my tracks. I let go of Davina's arm for a fraction of a second and she tumbles against the wall, staring straight out of our open windows. With a trembling breath, I push the door open all the way, seeing our room exactly the way we left it. It feels weird to be back here, to think that two weeks ago we were lying laughing and kissing, we were loving. We were loving so quietly, we didn't want to admit it, and now that I did, she can't even process it.

"Come," I whisper even though she won't answer, pulling her arm so she follows me inside. I avoid the bed area, moving straight to the bathroom instead. I'm sure if Davina was conscious she would have wanted to wash the past week off of her.

I close the bathroom door after us and start lifting my shirt. My ribs are sore and bruised, making it hard to even move but I breathe through it. My eyes are pinched shut as the fabric slides against raw skin, and by the time it hits the floor, I'm pretty sure I'm about to scream and pass out from the agonizing stinging.

What truly knocks the breath out of me though, is that when I open my eyes, she's staring. Davina's icy eyes fixated on my own, scratch that, they're fixated on my soul. My bare back meets the door and I wince almost immediately, but I can't tear my eyes away from hers. They're glistening, a few tears threatening to slip out and I almost cry myself because that's the most emotion I've gotten from her in the last couple of days.

Davina doesn't say anything, she doesn't give away any more of what's going through her kind, but I'm not sure I want to know right now. I shake everything off and move towards her again, this time looking down at the bruises on her arms because anywhere else is too much. The dark purple circles make my hands shake with anger this time, but I try to keep all the staggering and very much fresh memories to the back of my mind. I need to focus on us.

"I'm gonna take this off, okay?" I tug at the hem of her dress and wait for any sign of approval or resistance. Nothing. I start pulling it up, sliding each of her arms out as carefully as I can and not once does she try and stop me or even help. She just stares as I let the fabric drop. This doesn't feel right.

I move towards the string of my shorts, untying them and letting them pool around with the rest of our clothes. I'm leaving on my boxers and her underwear and bra, even though I know Davina would understand I'm cleaning us off such a traumatic event. Something just doesn't feel right, maybe it's the way she's staring at me like she's discovered every single one of my dirty secrets, or maybe it's her scars. She doesn't think I notice but I see how she hides her back whenever someone is around. I wonder how many times I'll have to kiss them for her to understand that what happened was completely out of her control. If there was anyone to blame, it would be me, but I won't get into that.

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