The first crack in the glass (51)

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Hello beautiful people!! I am back :) Firstly thank you so much for being patient with me during this tough period of exams, I thankfully think I didn't fail anything. Secondly I don't think I'll be able to update every three days like I was doing because I'm working on Cherries and Cigars as well and these new chapters are tough.
But that leads us to the second announcement! Cherries and Cigars will be back stronger than a 90's trend on the 1st of January!

Anyway I won't take much of your time with my blabbering, happy Christmas (and happy birthday Mr. Tomlinson can't believe he's 30 now) and hopefully I'll see you before next year! Enjoy <3

Davina's POV

The past couple of days have been eerily calm. Nothing shocking or dangerous has happened, the most we got was a phone call from Harry's mom letting us know she and Gemma would be over soon and needless to say I was not thrilled.

All of this felt extremely off. Almost like nothing is particularly wrong, but nothing is right either.

I guess I'm overthinking it like always but I've just never had such a normal couple days in a good while, it's been so long since I've had a day purely free of irrational anxiety like someone's about to jump out the closet and murder me. And I don't know if that's a good thing to be honest.

One thing my mother used to tell me is that fear is good, it's what keeps you alive. Once you're not afraid anymore you start making careless decisions, and for me, well, I guess I've always been afraid of the wrong things.

The afternoon sun hit my closed eyelids, the soft drift almost lifting up my dress on the pool chair. I laid near the guys' pool in the back garden, deciding to take a break from boredom and reconnect with nature. I was reading a book I found in Harry's office, 'They both die at the end'. I was quite worried about the title but it's honestly thrilling in a certain way, it really put a lot of things into perspective for me.

What would I do if this was my last day alive?

I'm not completely sure, I've never stopped to consider a day as my last and I guess the fallout is that one day, one of them will. I think I'd like to go to a comic con, I've never been to those because my friends said it was for nerds but they've always seemed interesting. Maybe I'd swim with dolphins, or maybe I lay in bed with Harry and read him my favourite book.

The immense possibilities leave a smile on my face, holding the book tightly to my chest as if, somehow, some of its author's wisdom would pass onto me. I've always wanted to write a novel too, I even had a name and everything, Till Forever. I guess I was just never good at putting things into words but I've always wanted to write their story, the boy who loves to hate and the girl who hates to love.

Why the name? You may ask. I was once riding shotgun in Alicia's car when she played this new song she was obsessed with, 'Till Forever Falls Apart', by this Ashe woman that she loved. The lyrics hit me really hard for some reason, and in that moment I knew those were words I'd never forget.

So this is it, that's how it ends. I guess there's nothing more romantic than dying with your friends.

I stand up abruptly, reaching for my phone on the small table beside me and quickly opening spotify. I haven't listened to this song in so long now that I think of it, my hands almost shaking with overwhelming nostalgia as I type up the title.

My body relaxes back onto the recliner as soon as I hear the soft melody, the sun burning my skin doesn't feel half as bad now. Maybe I should be more grateful for the sun, if this was my last day at least it wouldn't be in the gloomy London weather.

Out on our own, dreaming in a world that we both know, is out of our control, but if shit hits the fan we're not alone.

I relish on the feelings it brings me, in the meaning of the words and on the harmony of the notes. If the tide takes California, I'm so glad I got to hold you. It takes me back to happier and simpler days, when my biggest worry was whether I got into the school play. But were they really happier? Why would I want to feel like I did in school anyway? I hated that shit.

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