We're family, Harry(4)

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I've had enough of all this wet
And I can't trust that you're my family
I don't know what's next. The brain dead, that I never miss.

~~~ Calamity by Zayn~~~


Our first chapter with the boys??????

Harry's POV

"Harold, I swear, open the fucking door!" I heard the loud yelling coming from outside accompanied by a banging on the door.' I glance over at my alarm clock to see it was only past one in the afternoon. I groan and lay back in bed with my eyes still closed while Louis almost breaks down the door.

I suddenly feel something touch my cheek which makes me shoot my eyes open and take in the vision of the naked girl looking down at me, the room was very dim-lit but I could still see all her features. "Good morning," she says softly and traced her finger through my tattoos as her brown hair tickled my chest.

I cannot believe this. Georgia or whatever her name was should be gone by now not tracing her finger on my chest. We met yesterday at the pub and had a casual hookup, but like always women get too attached.

I jerk back from her touch and sit a little straighter, "what the fuck are you doing here?" I ask her with a confused look, she looks taken back by my words but doesn't even have the opportunity when Louis's voice calls again.

"Harry you're four fucking hours late mate!"

I quickly get up from the uncomfortable bed and pick my shirt up from the floor, throwing it on and walking towards the wooden door so I can open it up before Louis breaks it down. I look back at the girl who was still laying in my bed with a shocked expression, "Well what are you waiting for?" I gesture towards the door with my hand. She gets up and quickly gathers her clothes, throwing her drees on and huffing in disbelief before strolling past me and doing the walk of shame downstairs.

I shake my head and fix my hair with my hand, looking back at Louis who had a growing smirk on his face. I roll my eyes and flip him off, making my way to the kitchen and not even bothering to brush my teeth or put some pants on because of how late I was already.

"Where the fuck were you?" Niall asks as soon as I step into the kitchen. He and Liam sat at the small wooden chairs around the circular table, me and Louis taking a seat across them. We were all staying at this wooden cabin in the middle of nowhere, waiting for the best or at least a chance to proceed with the plan.

Louis has a shit-eating grin on his face as he looks at the boys and says with a playful tone, "Harry had a night guest," His voice only makes me roll my eyes again, he makes such a big deal out of small shit like they don't ever bring a girl home. They all exchange knowing looks and Liam was about to speak up but I cut them all off.

"Cut the bullshit, what do you guys want." I stand up from my seat and walk towards the fridge, grabbing a beer and a banana for breakfast. None of them has answered yet which is weird since they wouldn't shut up five minutes ago. I sit back next to Lou and look at each of them, but they just keep staring at each other.

They all looked tired as fuck, only wearing sweatpants and everyone's hair was a mess. Niall's eyes had purple bags under them, probably from sleep deprivation since we take turns staying up all night just to make sure no one comes in.

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