So soft the fall (46)

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A/N: This is more of a filler chapter for the sake of relationships between friends:)

Harry's POV

"Well is it still murder if I give them a heads up?" Davina questions with furrowed brows, eyeing the game cards in her hands with an adorable pout.

Niall and Louis bought some take away and Ni somehow convinced us to play some weird detective board game. I didn't really know what was going on but I was in a team with Davina and we were winning.

Whoever won a round could take one of the fortune cookies that came along and they were actually very tasty, and it wasn't all that boring. But if you lost you had to do a dare by the opposing team, the worst I got was having to do a backflip, which I didn't manage to and almost broke my back thanks to Niall.

"That's a threat," Niall answers her unfocused, also analyzing his cards and trying to figure out who murdered 'James'. The two of them sat on the ground near the center table while me and Vina took the couch, her sitting in between my parted legs as my chin rests on her shoulder.

"Damn," She whispers under her breath, showing me her cards with a disappointed head shake. We didn't have the right cards to figure out who killed him between two suspects, but I couldn't let Louis win.

It was a relatively cool evening, we were all wearing summer clothes obviously not used to the Californian heat, but a small breeze came through the open windows. The last rays of sunshine peaked through the flying curtains even though it was almost 8pm, my sleep schedule completely messed up because of the time zones.

I eye the sand clock with annoyance at how time was moving too quickly, the competitive side in me starting to show. "I think it was Betty," I tell Davina, showing her one of the character files. "She had a motive and a way." James was Betty's ex who cheated on her and excused everything by saying he was only a teenager, I'd be pretty mad too if I was her.

The second the words leave my mouth I hear the buzzing sound of my worst nightmares, looking up angrily to see as Niall pressed the red answering button with a smirk to his face. "It was Betty!" He almost yells, sending Louis a knowing wink as the other boy only stares confusedly.

"Hey you stole my answer!" I throw one of the darts at him, feeling the vibration on my chest as Davina starts laughing. "Fucking cheating asshole," I shake my head in disbelief, letting my cards fall to the table and hugging Davina's waist tightly.

She looks up over her shoulder with a smile, plucking his lips so I could press a weirded angled kiss to them. Niall and Louis do their weird handshake they came up with thirty minutes ago, cheering and taking a fortune cookie each even though we all know damn well they didn't win fairly.

"The key to a loving future lies right in front of you," Niall begins reading his note with a mouthful of the cookie, reading the last part to himself with a smirk before looking back at us. "Seize it no matter what."

Before I can even process what's happening, he practically jumps over the table, sending me and Davina flying to the floor and knocking all the game pieces off in the process. He tears her away from me and starts tickling her sides, sticking his tongue out in my direction as Davina tries to breathe in between laughter and wheezes. His legs went over her hips to prohibit her from moving but she tried her hardest to kick him off which was quite hilarious.

"Niall let her go," I push his shoulder with a chuckle, getting a little concerned at how red her face had gotten. Louis watches Davina and Ni with a silly while and head shake, looking like a proud parent if I'm being honest.

Niall takes her face into both his hands, leaning down to plant a big kiss to her cheek. Davina rests her hands on his forearms, still laughing but finally managing to breathe. "I'm just doing what the fortune cookie says," He says with a shrug, getting off her lap and helping her sit up. "Who am I to stand in the way of fate?"

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