Stunningly unobservant (13)

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Somehow it feels like nothing has change
Right now someone's calling my name
and it sounds like you.

~~Once in a lifetime by One Direction~~

Zayn's POV

It's been almost a week since Davina had whatever that was. I genuinely thought she was dying inside that bathroom from the amount of screaming and crying I could hear.

She kept saying things like 'sorry' and 'Ben' but it only made me more confused. I know Ben is her brother and he died in an accident but she would never talk to me about it, even though it obviously fucked her up.

I also apologized to her. Half because I empathize with her situation but also because of our fight. We both said things we didn't mean and we're extremely overwhelmed, but I know I hurt her, and I know it's eating her alive even if she won't admit.

I wish we could go back to just trusting one another with our lives, but it feels different between us since we arrived here. I also couldn't help but notice how much of a 'coincidence' it is that the day I told Davina about this whole thing, we were almost killed.

Also this whole little gang thing seems very off, like we run away to the place she suggested and there happens to be four randoms waiting to kidnap us?

I can't say much though, she has every reason to suspect me because I really am keeping a lot from her, I just wish she would trust when I say it's for her own good. C'mon man I'm her best friend, she should put a little faith in me.

They also took her away the day she had a panic attack but she wouldn't tell me what  it was about, but it looked like it took a toll on her.

There is something extremely wrong with that Harry guy as well. I look over to where he sat on the kitchen stools, carefully watching Davina while sipping from his beer bottle. He looks like they've known each other for years and it doesn't help with my suspicion at all.

For some reason we were all sitting at the living room area, me and Davina finally left the room after a few days for something other than food. She sat on the ledge of the L-shaped couch staring out the window, her messy hair laying effortlessly on her shoulders as her eyes took in the view. Her monotone expression contrasted to her erratic aurea. Lost in her thoughts as she mindlessly messed with the small ring in her middle finger.

I gave her that for her sixteenth birthday, what a different world that was.

I kinda miss being in school even if we never studied together. But everything was just so simple, sure I knew about the family business but the biggest concern on my mind were the high and lows of high school football. I cringe just thinking about it.

The other two guys, Niall and Liam, were playing cards by the fireplace and I've come to realize they do that a lot.  The blonde one had a smug look that never seemed to leave his face while picking cards, he seemed very sure of his next move. But that grin was quickly wiped off when Liam won the game by discarding his last card, keeping his face calm. Are they seriously playing Uno?

Louis and Harry were both at the kitchen area. Louis seemed to be cooking something again, he's the one making food since we got here and he's honestly not that bad. His eyebrows were slightly furrow and lips parted as he focused on stirring whatever was in the pan. He's pretty small compared to the other guys, but his snarky attitude makes up for it. I also can't figure where his accent is from because I can barely understand what he's saying sometimes.

Harry was drinking as usual, I bet he's a fucking alcoholic because every-time I look he either has a beer or whiskey i'm his hand. He watched Davina's every move closely, his ringed fingers playing with his bottom lip as his tattooed hand ran through his hair every two seconds.

I look around at all of these people, lost in their minds doing their own thing. It's incredible how stunningly unobservant they can be sometimes, just watching everything  unaware that their every move is also being watched and processed by someone else.

"What's on your mind?" A voice coming from my right asks, snapping me out of it. I turn around to see Liam beside me with a cup in his hand, why is he talking to me?

"Nothing really," I straighten my back and look at him, "Just observing."

"Would you like some coffee?" He asks me weirdly, already handing me the mug of which he was drinking from. Is this a normal thing around here? Just offering people your coffee as a conversation starter?

I still rather not get on anyone's bad side, so against my better judgment I reach for the cup in his hands and take a small sip as he watched me with expectant eyes.

It does taste like coffee but I could also sense something else. It was a little sour and maybe even metallic. I give him back the mug after one sip, this shit is nasty.

He looks surprised I took the cup and talked to him, well wasn't he the one to start the conversation? "I didn't take you as the quiet, observant guy."

"What did you take me as?" Sim genuinely curious, we've only known in other for less than a month or so. Well not really known given this is the first full conversation I'm having that isn't regarding my father. But I didn't think they were watching enough to have formed an opinion.

Guess even I can be unobservant at times.

He takes a while to analyze me quietly, his eyes darting back and front between my own as his hand subconsciously holds the golden chain around his neck. "Someone who takes no shit," he finally answers.

"What makes  you think I take shit from anyone?"

My question seems to intrigue him as a smirk plastered across his face. "Well you're still here aren't you? Still didn't try to escape or anything,"

I look over his shoulder to see Louis setting the table, Niall is sitting down while Harry tries to grab Davina's attention. An amused chuckle leaves my lips as I stand to my feet, looking down at him, "Just because I'm quiet doesn't mean I'm dumb."

With that, I walk over to the table and take a seat between Davina and Niall, Liam following shortly behind. It's funny because when I was at home we never had dinner together, or any meal for that matter. But now I'm having every meal at the table surrounded by four unknown psychos and my best friend who won't even talk to me.

With only the shit we've been through for the past few weeks, I could right one hell of an album. I love writing songs especially about events in my life, I've been doing it for years but never aspired to go professional of anything. Vina always said I should reach out for a record label but I'm not sure that's the kind of life I want.

If only I could get a notebook or something to write on, I have such a good idea so I try to make a mental note of it.

Once in a lifetime, it's just right
We are always safe
Not even the bad guys in the dark night could take it all away...

This song always makes me sob🤚

Anyway here's a little Zayn's POV to see his thoughts about the boys and Davina.

Butterfly kisses ;)

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