Chapter 12 - Senior De Leon is my Fan

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"Oh, Adonis!  When I told you to visit, I didn't mean to visit me right n-" Mrs. De Leon was cut off when his son abruptly flung himself at her. She stumbled a few steps back before regaining balance, quickly returning the hug without hesitation.

"Mama, are you okay? You aren't hurt, are you? Where's Papa? Is everyone o-"

"Iho, slow down" Mrs. De Leon lightly tapped Mr. De Leon's face to calm him down. "Everyone is fine. What's the matter?" Her eyes held an emotion of worry and fear.

"Someone wanted to eliminate your son, Mrs. De Leon" I answered instead, making her eyes snap towards me.

Mr. De Leon wasn't in the right mind to answer. He was shaking. He was angry. Scared.

But not for himself.

He was afraid for his parents. His family. Scared too see them harmed. And he was angry at himself  for putting his loved ones in danger.

"Again?" Mrs. De Leon released a breath. Probably tired of how many times his son's life was threatened to be taken from him.

"Let's get you something to eat. Hmm? Alejandro's at his office. I'll call Jaquil to come home" Mrs. De Leon hugged his son one last time before leading us to their dining room.

It was spacious. It could fit up too 10 people. 20 at maximum. A single, large chandelier was hanging at the center of the room. The walls were a cream color. The floors covered in lush carpets making me think of those old fashion castles.
"Have a seat. I'll have the maids bring us some food" Mrs. De Leon chirped as she gestured for a maid to grab food Mrs. De Leon pleased.

Everyone seated comfortably, a comfortable atmosphere enveloped the room. I remained standing next to Mr. De Leon. A protocol all agents must follow at all times.

"You can sit down, iha" Mrs. De Leon smiled as she sat down across his son. I politely shook my head and avoided her eyes.

Mrs. De Leon smiled but I know she's disappointed. I don't even know why she wants to talk to me. She doesent know me. Nobody in this fucking room knows me.

Why can't they just mind their own business.

"What happened?" A booming voice similar, yet different to Mr. De Leon's,  shook the walls. It commanded power without actually meaning too. And I knew exactly who it was.

Senior De Leon.

"Your son was attacked. Again." Senior De Leon planted a quick kiss on Mrs. De Leon's forehead before sitting next to her.

"Ah, the famous De Vera, hmm?" Senior De Leon stared at me with his smart eyes.

Didn't he just hear what his wife said? What is it with them and their obsession towards me?

"Yes, senior" I bowed my head in respect before straightening up again. My eyes avoiding eye contact.

"Please, call me Alejandro" He paused a moment, as if contemplating something. " Me and your papa are good friends. I understand why he let you take this mission"

My mind automatically goes back the day when me and Papa had a meet up.

"My father never mentioned you, senior De Leon." I squinted my eyes.

Mr. De Leon threw me an annoyed side glance while senior De Leon laughed whole heartedly.

"Stubborn as always. I knew you were a Papa's girl the moment you were born! And still, Louisa didn't believe me" He slapped his knee.

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