Chapter 13- Identity exposed

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After that whole thing with Mr. De Leon and Jay, Mrs. De Leon persuaded us to stay for the night. Which led me to my current situation.

Naked in a foreign bathroom.

I had clothes. I always pack some in a bag that I bring everywhere whenever I go on missions.


I left it with the fucking butler.

I knew something felt missing. I FUCKING KNEW IT. But I didn't have the chance to ask Mrs. De Leon where my bag was.

And no. There's no way in hell am I calling for my client. Which was the smartest and obvious move I can make.

His room was across from mine

But as fucking ridiculous this situation is, I have pride. Which was slowly crumbling the longer I stayed in the steam filled bathroom.

"I'm an idiot" I groaned an softly pressed my forehead on the tiled wall infront of me.

"That you are"

"What the fu-"

"It's Jay"The voice said from the other side of the door.

"No. I'm not a stalker, if that's what you were thinking" I shut my mouth. "You need your bag, correct?"

"How did you know that?" My voice was accusing.

"My room is next to yours. I could hear you swearing and pacing around the bathroom, which was quite entertaining" I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Open the door and I'll hand you your bag"

"Fuck no. You could-"

"I won't. I'm not that type of guy" his voice took a darker tone which made me a little guilty.

"Look. Just stick out your hand and I'll hand you the bag"

Without a sound, I unlocked the door and stuck out my hand outside, making sure that my body was hidden behind the door.

And true to his word, I felt the leather strap of my backpack against my skin. I grabbed it and slammed the door shut.I exhaled a breath and quickly got changed.

I left the bathroom and walked towards the vanity mirror. I noticed a figure sitting on the bed. I realized what's happening, but it was too late. He already saw it.

Jay saw my face.


I shoved my hair infront of my face in a desperate attempt to shield my identity. Which failed miserably. I broke the protocol.


"It's refreshing, isn't it?"

"What?" I quickly covered my mouth with my hand. Not expecting myself to say the question aloud.

"The mask. Isn't it refreshing to have it away?" Jay stared at me with his forest green eyes. It wasn't judging like I expected it to be. It was gentle.

"Leave. You shouldn't have seen that" I narrowed my eyes.

He stood up and walked towards the door and stoped, suddenly.

"I know how it feels, you know? Hiding your identity" He looked at me. "Your secret's safe with me. Talk to me when your ready to talk about it. Hmm?" then, he left.

I queitly walked towards the bed and sat down, dumbfounded. no mater how hard I tried I couldn't seem to process the new information he gave me.

Before I knew it, I was already laying in bed. Falling into deep slumber.

FEMALE LEAD SERIES BOOK 1: HIRED GUNWhere stories live. Discover now