Chapter 6 - Friends? I don't think so

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"Oh? This is her then?" The blue headed man asked Mr. De Leon. Who was now casually longing at a sofa wearing baggy pants and a shirt.

So he does wear something other than suits. I just had this weird expectation where I thought every billionare only wore suits. Clearly this guy isn't one of them.

He probably only wore one earlier to impress the Director.

"Yeah" Mr. De Leon's answered as he took in my appearance. I didn't like the way his eyes seemed to linger.

It irks me.

Maids took my bags to where I assume my brand new 'room' would probably be.

He better give me a room. I swear if he let's me sleep on the floor or something, I'm definitely ditching this client.

"So, Agent De Vera, Jay and Jake. Guys, this is Agent De Vera, my bodyguard" the blue haired man, which is Jake, as Mr. De Leon said, walked towards me with a huge smile on his face and held his hand out.

"Pleasure to meet you" I shook his hand and nodded. His smile faded a bit but he caught himself and smiled brighter. He definitely was expecting an answer.

"A mask for identity purposes I presume?" The black haired man in the corner, or 'Jay' asked. 

I nodded again. He crossed his arms over his chest and nodded his to himself. He sat down next to Jake, who was now busy on his phone.

"Now that you're here, go make us lunch"

I looked at my client in the eye. I didn't let any emotion reflect in my eyes, and it frustrated him. I could tell by the was his jaw clenched.

I didn't move a muscle. It seemed to make him more angry because he sat up and full on glared at me. His two friends seemed interested. Actually, I think they're even entertained. Jake was no longer on his phone and Jay had a hint of a smirk on his lips.

I know. I'm enjoying this as much as you guys are.

"Well? I ordered you didn't I?" He tapped his foot impatiently on the floor. In answer, I crossed my arms on my chest and let my eyes leave his burning ones.

Oh if looks could kill.

"Are you kidding me? First they give me a female. And now it won't even listen to me? This is why females are stupid"


I turned to look, no. Glare at him. It was the first time I've let emotion slip pass through my eyes during a mission. I know I'll regret this later on. But he had no right to insult me and us women like that.

"Say that again. I dare you" My voice was low and actually felt threatening.


He seemed surprised. I mean, it is my first time talking to him. Which wasn't even supposed to happen.

"Oh, so she does talk" He rolled his eyes like the spoiled brat he is. I badly wanted to clench my fist and punch him. But I forced myself to keep my cool.

"Yes. I do. And if you don't stop looking at women like they're below you, I'll show you how superior we are. Don't test me. I will beat you up. Client or not" I stood up straighter and smirked under my mask. Jay was snickering lowly while Jake was clapping? I don't understand these two but they sure are entertaining me.

"You will listen to me. I am your boss-"

"I do not answer to you knor do you have the power to fire me. You are a client not my boss" Mr. De Leon looked at me like he wanted to personally murder me and feed me to wild dogs.

And it made me ecstatic.

Of course I didn't show it. That'll be unprofessional and just plain weird.

"Its okay dude. We can just order out or something" Jake then took his phone out and started calling someone.

"You do that. I'll be back" Mr. De Leon stood up and walked out of the living room.

I sighed quietly and cursed under my breath. This mask is seriously irritating the hell out of me.

"You can take it off, you know?" A voice from the corner said. I shifted my eyes to Jay for a split second before moving it straight ahead once again.

"You can also talk willingly. Nobody's stopping you"

"That will be unprofessional of me, sir." I heard a quiet laugh that belonged to Jake.

"Sir?" I snapped my eyes to Jay who was looking at me without an ounce of emotion in his eyes.

What happened to him?

Instead of answering, I just nodded once and snapped my eyes to Mr. De Leon who just entered the kitchen.

To bad. He's in a good mood now.

"Someone's ringing the damn doorbell" He grumbled and sat on the sofa he previously occupied.

"Oooh must be the pizza!" Jake zoomed towards the front door. I heard it shut and he emerged holding 3 boxes.

"Does it have pineapple on it?" Jay stood up, his dark demeanour instantly disappearing  as he walked towards the coffee table where the pizza was placed.

"One of the pizzas has some. Seriously, who eats pizza with pineapples?" Jake made a disgusted face.

"Me" Jay made a duh face as he bit into the pineapple filled pizza.

"Pineapples on pizza are absolutely disgusting" Mr. De Leon grumbled and took his 3rd slice of his pizza that looked like a chunk of meat itself.

"Oh, would you want some..?" Jake asked me politely.

"Just call her De Vera or whatever. It's not relevant anyways" Mr. De Leon carelessly shrugged his shoulders.

I ignored the obvious taunting in his voice and faced Jake with a semi friendly face. That was obviously covered with a mask.

Weirdly enough, Jay seemed to see right through the mask. His eyes gave me a knowing look and a small smirk graced his face.

"Thank you for the offer, but no"

"I know that it's restricted for you because of professionalism but we could just eat out as friends-"

"No. Sir. I do not want pizza" I stated firmly as I looked a sad eyed Jake in the eye.

I turned to Mr. De Leon "Please call me if you have some concerns or feel threatened. I'll be up my room, unpacking"

I walked away. I felt eyes burning at the back of my skull. And one of them seemed stronger than the other two.

And I knew exactly who it belonged to.
Yaaaay. So. Mr. De Vera is an absolute ____
Ill let you guys pick the word.

And. Does Jay seem a little weird to you? Tell me what you think. Personally, I think he's concerned for Louise. Oop.

Is that a hint? I don't know..

Soo. This is basically a Valentine's gift! Happy Valentine's y'all!

FEMALE LEAD SERIES BOOK 1: HIRED GUNWhere stories live. Discover now