Chapter 27 - Jay's Secret

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True to his word, Mr. De Leon did come back an hour and a half later, completely unharmed.

And complete with his family too.

Papa was by the door the moment he heard cars approaching, Mama on her side. They have sorted out their little argument, thankfully, and was back to being the mushy couple that I have grown up seeing.

I was expecting the De Leon family only. Imagine my surprise when I saw Jake and Jay, sporting sheepish smiles whilst wheeling their bags in.

"What are you two doing here?" Papa shot me a warning glance.

"Sorry, that came out rude."

"It's okay. And the Director actually called Adonis. He said that it should be best if anyone that is always associated with him would also live with him at the moment. But, we can leave if you want! We don't want to impose." Jake said as he looked at me.

"No! of course you're not imposing! Stay for however long you need." Mama cried as she ushered for the maids to take everyone's luggage.

"How about Madeline?"

"I'm here!" I whirled around only to see that Madeline was already talking with my sister. I shook my head with a smile.

I guess Aria found a new friend. She was the shy type when it came to strangers. But once you get her talking about a topic she really likes, it's hard for her to stop. And sometimes, in rare occasions, you have to physically stop her talking.

Just a little shake though. Nothing too brutal.

"Wow, nothing changed!" the younger De Leon was looking around in awe. I still have no idea how he knows me or my family, but I'll take a wild guess that it has something to do with Papa and Senior De Leon.

"Jaquil! It's been a while iho." Papa patted Jaquil on the back.

"Far too long, Mr. De Vera." his eyes shifted to me and he gave me a smile, which I returned. It was a small smile.

"Louise! Faith really does like us to be together, no?" his eyes were glinting with mischief.

"Stop disturbing her, Jaquil. " Mr. De Leon pushed him aside. My brows rose on their own accord.

Jealousy? It weirdly made my heart flutter. Knowing the fact that he gets jealous when other men talk to me.

Even his own brother.

"Adonis, Jaquil, behave." Mrs. De Leon scolded. She gave me a quick hug before turning to my mother, giving her a bone crushing hug whilst crying. My Mama was unsurprisingly, crying as well, hugging Mrs. De Leon like they haven't met for ages.

This is getting weirder and weirder.

"They never changed, noh? Always emotional." Papa laughed and hugged Senior De Leon, giving him a nod.

"I suppose so. You haven't changed as well, pare. Well, actually you've garnered wrinkles all over the years."

"And Adam is right, pare. Just look at those gray hairs." I honestly couldn't take this scene in front of me any longer so I faced Mr. De Leon instead.

"Would you want me to show you to your rooms?" his brother seemed occupied at the moment. He was conversing with my brother. Madeline and Aria had disappeared so I assume that Aria was already showing Madeline where she would be staying or she dragged her to her room.

"We would love that. Thank you." he said in a rush.

Guess I wasnt the only one uncomfortable.

I quickly led them towards the opposite direction of our rooms, turning left. When we reached the hallway that was filled with doors reserved for guests, I faced the three, and gestured behind me.

FEMALE LEAD SERIES BOOK 1: HIRED GUNWhere stories live. Discover now