Chapter 15 - Shivers down my spine

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Have you ever wondered what goes on inside people's head?

Yeah. Same.

After my heated argument with Mr. De Leon, I expected him to feel something. I knew what that emotion was. And theres no way I missed it, knor did I misread his reaction with Jay yesterday.

He was jealous.

He could've been jealous for a lot of things. But none of them had solid proof knor a clear explanation. And he couldn't be jealous because of Jay. What's there to be jealous about? Seing his best friend spending more time with his bodyguard might be the clearest answer, but I'm not convinced.

Unless he likes me. And that's a little too twisted and far fetched judging from the way he treated me for the past days.

And I haven't known him for more than a week. So, No. He definitely doesen't like me.

And Jay has been a bit caring too. I don't know why but I really feel comfortable with him. Not as a romantic interest. Kind of like, what you feel when you're with your siblings.

"Ms. Moore, please give these files to the second floor. And tell that CEO that's bothering me that I am not interested in merging my company with theirs. That.. is all" Mr. De Leon said without letting his eyes wonder off the paper works scattered on his table. I watched as Madeline scurried off, carrying stacks of papers on her arms.

" Louise, I think you should sit down for a bit" Jay said as he momntarily stopped flipping through papers to look at me.

"What is up with you two? Are you guys..?"

"No. We aren't. What's wrong with making her rest for a bit? Her legs are probably dying at this point-"

"My legs are fine, sir." I mumbled from under my mask. "I can do this all day,actually"

"What do they train you? I swear you're stronger than me."

"I am stronger," I smirked under my mask. "And no. I didn't get this strong just beacuse of training. It's all in the experience"

"I've got to say, your agency is abusive" Jake whistled.

"But it made me stronger" I mumbled as I crossed my arms.

"Why are you so quiet today?" I looked at Jake who was looking at Mr. De Leon, who still had his nose buried on paper work.

"I'm busy" he said simply.

"So busy that you couldn't even talk to your friends?" Jake dramatically said as he slumped his body on Mr. De Leon's back.

"Get off me. And I see you everyday" He pushed Jake away but Jake held on. Tangling himself into Mr. De Leon In a forced piggy back ride.

"You're so cold. You know?" Jake didn't let go. "But I still like you. So it's okay"

"I don't care if you like me or not" Mr. De Leon grumbled as he stood up, forcing Jake to let go of him.

"Let's go. I'm starving" he didn't wait for a reply as he strutted outside his office, closing the door behind him silently.

"What the heck is his problem?" Jay grumbled as he followed Mr. De Leon's footsteps.

I rolled my eyes and followed right behind them. Hoping that my client doesen't get himself killed before I found him.


"Mr. De Leon almost got ran at by a car and almost fell in a sewer. How am I supposed to calm the fuck down?" My nostrils flared.

It's been about 5 minutes of me pacing outside the police station, mentally cussing out my idiot of a client in all the languages I know.

"How can any one be so stupid? Who walks in a busy street without looking if they're gonna fucking die or not?" I stopped pacing. "And how can you not see if you are going to fall off a sewer or not!?"

"Why do you even care so much? Do you like-"

"Of course I don't." I cut Jake off. "That's my client we're talking about. If he dies I die"

"I thought you weren't afraid of dying?"

"I'm not. But who the fuck would be willing to get tortured for a death like that?"

"Let's go" Mr. De Leon finally said as he exited the police station.

"How did it go?" Jay calmly asked him as he fell in step with my client.

"The driver demanded money. He crashed his car pretty hard"

"And whose fault is that?" I mumbled under my breath. Nobody seemed to hear except Jay. He gave me a glare.

Shut it.

I just silently huffed and walked ahead of them. Mumbling under my mask, I made my way towards the company's car. I entered the car and slammed the door shut.

"Hey Louise-"

"Oh fu-" I whipped around and instantly met warm, brown eyes.


"Oh. I followed you inside. The boys were getting a bit annoying" I wondered my gaze and say Jake and Mr. De Leon running around an unimpressed Jay.

"Seriously, how old are they?" Madeline just shook her head as we both looked at the three, twenty-nine year old's.

"It's a wonder how Jay managed to befriend the two. He doesent looked impressed" I glanced at Madeline.

"Oh, Jay wasn't always like that" she said. Regret instantly colored her face as she averted my curious gaze.

"It's nothing really. Just something that happened in the past" she dismissed the topic. I just nodded my head.

After a while, Madeline spoke again.


I hummed

"Have you ever liked someone?" I looked at her through the rear view mirror and raised a brow.

"I like everyone" the words oddly sounded bitter in my ears.

"Not that like. Have you ever dated?" I full on turn behind me and meet her eyes. Silently asking why she's suddenly curious about my relationship status.

Not that I have one.

"No" I mumbled after a while.

"You're joking" I just stared at her.

"There's no way. How old are you again? Sorry that's disrespectful to ask-"

"27" she just gaped at me like I was the most idiotic person in the world. I stared at her curiously.


"Dating isn't for me" I sighed as I relaxed on the leather seat. "Not only because of my job, but I don't plan on marrying" Madeline was speechless. Now looking ahead of me.

"Well. I guess Jax's gonna have to change that" I didn't try to understand the sentence. But her next words instantly made me feel shivers run through my spine. Like a bucket of water getting dumped at your head.

"He likes you, you know? Whipped, actually."

What. The. Fuck.


  I'm back! And well. I have no other words.

Hope you enjoyed!

FEMALE LEAD SERIES BOOK 1: HIRED GUNWhere stories live. Discover now