Chapter 26 - Relationships?

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"Louise, come home quick, Aria found a note outside the house. A death threat-"

"Sir, I need to go now. My family needs me." I was about to get up but another shrill ring went off. Mr. De Leon fished his phone out and answered the caller. I watched as his face contorted into surprise, worry, and anger. He said something that I didn't quite catch and pocketed his phone.

"My Mama called as well. They have found a death threat outside their front door." the Director looked at me, and back at Mr. De Leon.

"Louise, the same incident happened to your house I presume?"

"Yes, Director."

"This has never happened before." the Director murmured. "This is escalating far too quickly. We can't play around anymore." he looked at me.

"Louise, I think It's best if both families live in one house at the moment. We are a bit short in agents, I can't deploy groups in each household." I shifted for a bit, uncomfortable. I have never been in a situation where my client's whole family needs protection. And with my family being a target as well, I cannot leave them unguarded. I would never leave them when they need protection too. And with the lack of Agents and a ton of missions incomplete, deploying a team in each house would be a waste of resources and just plain foolish.

"Alright. I'll get it arranged, Director." I said, standing up. I motioned for my client to stand up as well, facing the Director as I do.

"I'm sorry for cutting this meeting short, Director. But our families need us at the moment." I bowed.

"Go. Update me, okay? I'll pay a visit when I get things sorted here." I nodded and made my way towards the door, opening it for Mr. De Leon. He looked at me, a lot of emotion trapped in his azure eyes before walking outside. I followed.

"Do you want me to take you to your house, Sir?" I asked as we made our way towards the entrance of the Agency.

"No, it's fine. You go to your house first. I'm sure you're worried about your family." he offered me a smile.

"I can't leave you alone sir. Not even for a second." I noticed Jay was leaning against the entrance walls, just beside the glass doors.

"I'll come with you first then." he didn't give me a chance to object as he walked away, snatching the keys from Jay's belt as we neared him.

"Finally, I get chauffeured for once" Jay grumbled, making his way to follow Mr. De Leon.

I made my way towards my bike. Forgetting that I was drenched in blood, I groaned aloud when I pulled on my now probably blood stained helmet.

I heard a beep from behind me, I turned around and the two men were now nearing me, riding a black sports car that I have never seen before.

Before I can rethink my stupidest decision ever, I revved my bike and zoomed outside the black gates, laughing. I looked at the side mirror and indeed, Mr. De Leon had caught on my intention. He was racing past cars and switching lanes, getting nearer and nearer.

I liked riding motorbikes for a reason. They're smaller than a car, therefore more opportunities to pass huge vehicles.

In a new record, I reached our house in a minute. I hopped off my bike and took off my helmet, raking my hands through my messy, bloody hair. 5 seconds later, a black car came bounding through the highway, parking neatly on a free parking space. Mr. De Leon and Jay came out, smirks on their faces.

"That was quite the race, Andriette." Jay said as he approached.

"You cheated." was what Mr. De Leon said when we were face to face.

FEMALE LEAD SERIES BOOK 1: HIRED GUNWhere stories live. Discover now