Chapter 29 - Louise's Weakness (EDITED)

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We reached the five star restaurant in no time. I parked the car and waited for everyone to get out before locking it. Together, the five of us made our way towards the entrance of the expensive building that served high class people.

"Do you want anything?" Mr. De Leon inquired once we were inside. I still felt exposed without my mask on, but It felt relieving to get that suffocating cloth out of my face.

"No sir. I'll eat later." I said as we followed the waitress to their usual table.

"What would it be today, Mr. De Leon?" the waitress asked once they were all seated. She was tall, but not taller than me. I watched as she shamelessly flirted with a non-responsive Mr. De Leon. Twirling her hair with her pointer finger and bending too low that her low V neck shirt exposed her.. Female parts.

Doesn't she have a life?

"The usual please." he said, not even attempting to look at the girl. She didnt seem to mind as she giggled at nothing and wrote their usual orders down. I mean, I couldnt exactly blame her. Mr. De Leon is extremely attractive. Like an art sculpted by the Gods themselves.

He looked incredibly stunning today too. A meeting with someone important meant wearing something presentable. And today, he wore a pure black suit, his undershirt being black as well. His tie was a navy blue, and it complimented his stormy eyes perfectly.

He wore suits every day. It wasnt knew. But for some reason, the one he was wearing today seemed to define all his features a lot more than any normal days. His jaw looked sharper than normal, light subtle was present on his face but it made him look more manlier than he already was. And when he crossed his arms over his chest, his biceps would bulge through his suit jacket. And I couldnt believe I'm going to say this, but it made me want to jump him. If it wasnt for the circumstances

"Be right back." the waitress winked before sashaying away.

"Louise, can I ask you something?" I was pulled out of my day dreaming when Madeline piped up, a nervous smile present on her face.


"The man from earlier, Christopher was it? You two seem close." the statement was like a beacon. The three men whipped their heads towards me, interested with what I have to say about Cris and I's status. Jake and Jay had more of a curious look, a really innocent emotion.

But Mr. De Leon? He looked eerily calm. He wasnt showing emotions, but I knew he wanted to know what I had to say as well. His eyes kept darting between me and Madeline. And his jaw was clenched tight. Gosh did he look hot.

"Oh yeah. We're best friends. I think I've known him for 10 years now?" a small smile reflexively graced my face.

"Oh. Best friends?" Jake asked, surprised.

"Yeah? What's wrong with us being best friends?" it did seem like we were more than friends for others, but nothing would ever happen between me and Cris. I just, I couldnt see it happen.

"Oh. Nothing!" Jake blabbered, a blush taking on his cheeks. "You two just seem more than friends. Sorry that seemed out of the line" I nodded, pursing my lips.

"No its fine. My coworkers, uncle and basically everyone in my family wants me to marry him. But honestly, I think Mama just want me to marry in general." I shook my head as soft chuckles came out of Jake and Madeline's mouths. I can see why my mother wants me to marry. I'm not getting an younger, and so is she. A lot of times she's mentioned that a lot of her friends now have grandchildren. But I just couldnt see me having children, and a husband. Not yet.

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