Chapter 21 - More

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The light that was barely peeking through my windows created a sliver of light inside the room, illuminating a strip in the dark . But it was enough to wake me up.

I stretched my limbs and slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand. A growl made me stand up and head to the bathroom to shower. Unwillingly, of course.

We were all so tired yesterday that we didn't consider having dinner. Everyone just had a silent agreement to sleep the moment we got back to Mr. De Leon's mansion. We didn't go back to Senior De Leon's house. Mr De Leon was sure that the one who threatened him held an empty threat. And he didn't want to impose on his parents any longer.

And I couldn't agree more.

After my shower, I felt so much better, my senses alert and ready. I took my time in drying my ridiculously long hair and made sure I looked good enough to face the director.

And my punishment.

I left my room and made my way downstairs when I was sure not a hair was out of place. Much to my surprise, everyone was already present in the dining room when I got there. They were all chatting whilst drinking coffee and munching on biscuits .

"Good morning Louise. Had a good night's sleep?" Jake greeted me first. I gave a small nod in return, going to the kitchen to make myself some coffee.

"Louise, I hope you wouldn't mind, I know that you have somewhere to be today, but can you accompany me to the mall?" I looked at Mr. De Leon as I emerged form the kitchen with my coffee at hand. I took a seat on the first vacant one I saw and settled down, taking a slow sip from my coffee.

"It is no problem, sir. I'll accompany you to any place you need to go before I go." I took another sip.

"Thanks. You won't mind if everyone tags along?" I eyed Mr. De Leon weirdly.

"..Not at all sir. You are free to bring whoever." he awkwardly cleared his throat and took a sip from his own mug, nodding to himself.

My eyes automatically searched for Madeline's brown ones, asking a silent question.

What's wrong with him?

She didn't give me a clear answer. Instead, she just winked and held up a thumbs up, her brows wiggling excitedly.

I muttered under my breath and downed my coffee when I saw that everyone was getting ready to leave. I gathered everyone's mugs and placed them in the dishwasher. The maid on duty smiled gratefully at me and proceeded to clean the table top. I nodded my head at her and followed everyone else who was now exiting the double doors of Mr. De Leon's mansion.

"Where to, sir?" I looked at Mr. De Leon on the rear view mirror. My voice was slightly muffled by the mask but he heard me. His ocean eyes met mine.

"The nearest mall would be good."

I nodded my head and drove, appreciating the soft chatter the trio produced at the back.

Mr. De Leon walked freely beside me, his hands in his pockets. The trio had been arguing about something and I couldn't help but be amused at their conversation.

"Cats don't  have nine lives, Jake." Madeline bristled, actually getting riled up by her boyfriend's arguements.

"Baby, trust me, they do. I saw it with my own two eyes! Cats have nine lives. Maybe more!" Jake had this weird spark in his voice, like he was telling his mother about his favorite story.

"No, Jake. No. Jay, please tell him-"

"The cat jumped a ten storey building Maddy! And it survived without any injuries." Jake said in a deadpan voice, making Jay snicker.

FEMALE LEAD SERIES BOOK 1: HIRED GUNWhere stories live. Discover now