Chapter 1

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Jack stood at the side of the stage watching as the support act You Me At Six performed their last song. He didn't normally bother leaving the dressing room before they were due on stage, but it was the last night of the tour and the vocalist wasn't bad looking, he wouldn't have to see him again after tonight anyway. They weren't bad as a band either, not as good as Jack's band but then who was?

They'd barely stepped off of the stage before the chanting began.

Rejects Club! Rejects Club! Rejects Club!

Feet were stomping and hands were clapping. Jack grinned and chuckled softly at the excitement. They weren't due on stage for another half an hour.

He pulled out his phone and sent out a quick tweet.

I can already hear you guys going crazy! Half an hour to go, can you keep it up?

He instantly got a tonne of replies from fans in the crowd, saying how excited they were and how much they loved him etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

Jack smiled before heading back to the dressing room where two out of the three other band members were. Brendon glanced up from his phone with a grin. "Is it getting crazy yet?" Jack nodded at the bassist with a chuckle before asking. "Where's Patrick?"

No sooner had the words escaped his mouth than the bathroom door opened, and the drummer strolled out closely followed by his girlfriend Elisa.

They'd been together for almost three years now and Jack didn't think he'd ever understand it. Why would anyone want to be domesticated like that? Hell, they were rock stars, they could have anything or anyone they wanted and should be making the most of it.

Not Patrick, he'd much rather just stick with the one girl and do the whole faithful lover thing. It was total madness in Jack's opinion.

"You pricks ready to put on a fucking show?!"

Jack rolled his eyes at the irritating sound of their vocalist's voice coming from the doorway. It seemed she'd decided to come out of her separate dressing room and slum it with the rest of the band for a change.

"Wow, should we be feeling honoured that you're gracing us with your presence this evening?" She sent Jack a filthy look but didn't respond.

It was safe to say Jack and Taylor did not get on.

Jack, Patrick, and Brendon were old school friends. The trio had originally been signed by the label with their friend Hayley, but then she'd bailed on them at the last minute just before they were due to go into the studio for the first time. The band was in need of a vocalist and Taylor was in need of a break so they were the perfect match as far as the label was concerned.

The pair tolerated one another because they needed each other for their careers and they were both painfully aware of it.

Glitter And Ash (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now