Chapter 32

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When Jack woke up the next morning, he felt more exhausted than he had before going to bed, despite the fact he'd had the best night sleep he'd had since the tour began. He was pretty sure his body was screwing with him intentionally.

He'd ended up staying in bed as long as possible until Pete had to come and drag him to his feet and force him into some clean clothes. As a result, they arrived at the photoshoot fifteen minutes late and the photographer's PA spent the entire time fussing over Jack because she thought he was sick.

He was now sat huddled morosely around a styrofoam coffee cup as they drove to their latest interview. Patrick and Brendon sat chatting quietly as Taylor played on her phone. Jack silently prayed the interviewer would also think he was sick and not ask him any questions.

When they arrived, the receptionist showed them to a small waiting area where there was coffee, cakes, and biscuits. He helped himself to more coffee and dropped down on one of the couches to wait.

They weren't there long when the door to one of the offices opened. Jack's stomach sank when he realised who it was coming out. He really was on the universe's eternal shit list.

"Fuck me, it's been a while!" Brendon exclaimed as he got to his feet. It was none other than You Me At Six. Jack didn't have to look to know Taylor was smirking at him as everyone fell into easy conversation.

Jack was contemplating the likelihood of a giant sinkhole spontaneously opening up and swallowing him whole when he felt the couch sink beside him. He internally cringed. The last thing he needed right now was a needy ex fuck moping over him and trying to talk him into bed.

"You're not contagious, are you?" Jack blinked, totally thrown off by the question. "Excuse me?" He turned to face Josh who was pulling a face.
"I can't afford to catch something man, we're about to go into the studio." Jack rolled his eyes but found himself smiling just a little.
"I'm not sick."

Josh visibly relaxed. "Well, don't take this the wrong way but you look like shit." Jack snorted slightly.
"I feel like it too." He raised an eyebrow, looking at Jack as though he was seeing him for the first time. "Wanna talk about it?" Jack hesitated.

In all honesty, no, he really didn't. But something in Josh's friendly smile and relaxed, open demeanour despite the fact Jack had literally fucked him over made Jack reconsider.

He knew the shitty side of Jack pretty well, yet he clearly wasn't holding anything against him. Maybe, given his personal insight, he'd have some ideas on bringing Alex around. Maybe he was the perfect person to talk to about all this after all.

"It's kind of a long story." He said finally. Josh simply shrugged.
"I've got time." Jack glanced over and saw what he assumed was the guy doing their interview stepping out of the second office and shaking hands with Pete. "Looks like I don't." Jack sighed. Even to his own ears, he sounded pathetically defeated.

"You guys up to anything after this?" Jack shook his head.
"Not until soundcheck." Josh's slightly crooked grin returned.
"Great. I'll wait for you here, then once you guys are done, we can go get a drink and you can tell me this long story of yours." Jack nodded, a small, genuine smile forming on his lips for the first time since Barcelona. "Alright. I guess I'll see you soon."

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