Chapter 30

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"Okay I have managed to reschedule the missed dates and we still have a lot of press stuff to do, but in order to keep to schedule we won't be having the week off in Lisbon."

They were in the car on their way to the hotel from the airport after what had been the most stressful flight of their lives. People were literally fighting for seats, and it had been total chaos the entire time at the airport.

"What?" Taylor asked in disbelief.
"We literally just had a week off." Jack pointed out. It was early evening, and he was itching to head out and explore somewhere new. "A week stuck in a hotel in Toulouse and a pre-planned week off in Lisbon are not the same thing." She snapped. Jack couldn't argue with that.

"Well unfortunately it's going to have to do. We cannot afford to reschedule any more dates and the schedule is pretty damn packed when we get to the UK, so you'll have plenty to keep you occupied and out of the hotel." She sat back in her seat with a huff, folding her arms across her chest as she muttered under her breath.

Jack didn't think he'd ever understand that. He was itching to get back out on the stage again.

They met the others in the hotel lobby where they were all chatting and laughing easily. Jack was glad to see everyone getting on so well.

He walked over to where Alex was standing chatting with a laughing Rian. "What did I miss?" Rian grinned, wiping a tear from his eye.
"Alex was just filling me in on your week in the family suite." Jack nodded fake solemnly. "Oh, it was a struggle." He said in mock seriousness.

Rian snorted. "I bet it was. You're not exactly used to self-restraint." Jack rolled his eyes. "I have excellent self-restraint thank you very much. I had to exercise a lot of it to get him into bed with me in the first place if you remember."

Alex rolled his eyes. "Welcome to the real world, where adult relationships require time and effort, and people don't just fall into bed with each other at a moment's notice." Jack could probably argue with that, but he decided not to. After all, he rather liked being in an "adult relationship" with Alex.

"Zack and I were gonna go out for tapas once we've dropped our stuff off if you guys wanna join us?" Alex's eyes lit up at the offer making Jack smile. "I think that's a yes." He chuckled as Alex grinned.
"We'll meet you guys down here in like an hour?"
"Sure thing man." Rian smiled as Zack caught his attention, waving their key card triumphantly. "I'll see you in a bit."

The fact the tour was back on the road and back on schedule had put Pete in a good mood and for the first time since before Christmas, he didn't even bother to try and convince Jack that sharing a room with Alex was going to lead to tragedy. He didn't even give him his usual unimpressed look. It was more than a little unnerving.

He sighed with content as he walked into the large suite with its kitchen area and its king-sized bed and its couch and, most importantly, its distinct lack of a bunk bed filled with unwanted company. Just him and Alex and forty-five ish minutes to kill.

With a grin, he took hold of Alex's hands and pulled him over to the couch dropping down and pulling him into his lap. He pressed a soft kiss to his lips making him chuckle. "We have to meet Zack and Rian remember." He smirked as he pulled back a little.
"Not for ages." Alex laughed as he checked the time on his phone.
"Alright. I'll set an alarm. You have forty-three minutes, use them wisely."

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