Chapter 22

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When Jack woke up it was still dark, and he was pretty sure he was still a little drunk.

It took him a moment to realise he was laid on the very edge of the mattress. With a frown, he tried to roll backwards but found himself trapped in place. Confused, he glanced over his shoulder and found Alex pressed right up against him, head burrowed between his shoulder blades.

Jack smiled warmly at how adorable he was as he slept peacefully. He glanced back at the clock and groaned when he saw the time. Six-thirty am, he'd only been asleep a few hours. With a sigh, he got up and padded to the bathroom.

When he came back Alex hadn't moved an inch.

He quietly grabbed his phone up off the bedside table and took a photo. Sure, it would probably be considered a little weird, but he was just too damn cute for his own good sometimes.

He replaced his phone on the table before getting back into bed on the other side. Now comfortable, he was quickly dosing off once more.

When Jack woke up again it was the far more respectable time of eleven forty-five, a whole fifteen minutes before he was supposed to meet the others to rehearse for tomorrow. Eh, he'd been early yesterday that gave him a few minutes grace, right?

He smiled fondly at the fact Alex was once again pressed up against him, his head on Jack's chest.

He gently brushed his bangs out of his eyes as he stirred. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." He mumbled, sensing Jack's eyes on him. Jack chuckled softly. "I did."

He finally opened his eyes, sending Jack a confused look. "Excuse me?" Jack leant over and grabbed his phone off the side, finding the photo and showing it to him. "Creep." He muttered, dropping the phone onto the bed. "But you looked so cute." Alex rolled his eyes, relaxing back against the mattress.

He pouted as Jack got to his feet. "Do you really have to go?" Jack felt his resolve melt a little at the look Alex was giving him. "Don't look at me like that, you know I have to rehearse." Alex sighed but deigned to stop pouting. "I suppose I can hang out with Vic." Jack smiled at that.

"We'll do something tonight. Okay?" He leant over Alex, pressing a kiss to his cheek. He grudgingly nodded, smiling softly.

When he got to Brendon's room two acoustic guitars and a Cajon had been set up in the centre of the room, the coffee table having been shoved up against the wall to create space. No one else was here yet and Brendon was still in his pyjamas, looking a little worse for wear.

"Don't tell me we changed the time," Jack complained as he started making coffee. "I could still be in bed," Brendon smirked a little.
"You mean you could still be in Alex." Jack rolled his eyes, fighting hard against the blush creeping up the back of his neck. "Hilarious."

Brendon gave him a long look as Jack turned to face him, mug against his chest. "You guys have done it... right?" Jack shrugged dismissively as Brendon's eyes widened. "You haven't? How have you guys not done it yet? I mean it's you!"

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