Chapter 29

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"How is it still snowing?"

They'd been stranded for going on a week now and it was safe to say Jack was sick of it. The snow hadn't seemed to let up any and he was starting to go out of his mind in the hotel room. He had to get out of there, he didn't care where he went, he just couldn't sit around in the hotel waiting for that damn phone call any longer.

"The roads are clear," Alex noted from where he sat watching the snow flutter past the window, a hint of longing in his voice. That gave Jack an idea.

"You wanna go get lost for a while?" Alex turned to him with a confused look. "What do you mean 'get lost'?" Jack just sent him a cheeky grin.

"Come on, we're heading out." Alex's eyes widened in shock.
"You know we're not supposed to leave the hotel, we've got to be here for when the plane leaves." Jack rolled his eyes.
"I think it's pretty safe to say that's not happening any time soon. Besides, if one plane can go then they all can. We'll just catch a later one." He didn't look convinced.

He practically dragged Alex out into the cold afternoon air, both of them wrapped up in their warmest clothes.

"Jack where are we even going?" He laughed as he followed.
"We're gonna hire a car and get the hell out of here for a few hours." Alex stopped in his tracks. That had been the last thing he was expecting. "Wait, seriously?" Jack nodded, deadly serious. "You're crazy." He laughed, starting to walk once more. "Maybe."

The guy at the rental place had been pretty confused by the fact that Jack only wanted the car for a few hours and had ended up having to call his manager to emphasise the fact their minimum time was twenty-four hours. Of course, the manager had recognised Jack instantly and suddenly became very accommodating, handing him the keys and telling him to bring them back whenever he wanted.

Alex shook his head as they headed to the car. "What?" Jack asked, amused by his apparent state of shock. "It just baffles me how being famous means you can suddenly get whatever you want and bend any rule you feel like. I mean aren't you supposed to be setting an example to the kids and shit?" Jack laughed, shaking his head. No parent would ever want him as an example for their kids. "Perks of fame I guess."

Putting Toulouse in the rear-view mirror was the most liberating thing Jack had done in a long time. He'd be happy enough if he never saw the place again. Of course, he was grateful for the gigs and the fans who had come to them, he'd just been there way too long at this point.

"So where are we going?" Alex asked from the passenger seat. His winter jacket now shoved hastily into the footwell as they both enjoyed the car's heater. "Dunno, let's just enjoy the countryside for a while. See where we end up."

Alex shook his head, smiling softly. "Alright. Maybe try not to get too lost, okay? We do have to find our way back eventually. If we're not there when the flight gets cleared Pete will kill us." As always, he had a point.
"Lex, it'll be fine. Stop worrying and enjoy yourself." He chuckled softly, shaking his head as he turned to look out his window at the beautiful snow-covered scenery.

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