Chapter 23

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When Jack woke the next morning, he felt just as fuzzy and content as he had when he'd gone to sleep the previous evening. He found himself face to face with a smiling Alex, lidded eyes bright with joy despite the early hour.

"Morning." Jack smiled, leaning in, and capturing his lips briefly.
"Good morning." He wrapped an arm around Alex's waist, pulling him a little closer.

"How'd you sleep?" Alex shrugged, a small smirk playing on his lips.
"Pretty great actually. Best I've had in a while." Jack raised an eyebrow.
"Is that right?" Alex nodded, still smirking.
"It's amazing how much easier it is to sleep when you're not full of sexual frustration."

Jack snorted. "Well, who's fault was that?" Alex rolled his eyes but leant in, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. "I had to be sure." Jack smiled softly, closing the gap briefly once more.

"You should come today." He mumbled. Alex raised an eyebrow at that.
"Why? Isn't seeing you play once a day enough?" Jack chuckled.
"We're only going to be there a few hours at most. Once we're done, we could go do something if you want. We'll have a few hours before soundcheck." Alex nodded, smiling softly.
"I like the sound of that."

The shocked look on Pete's face when Jack opened his bedroom door fully dressed and ready to go was priceless. "Are you feeling alright?" He asked, sceptically. Jack rolled his eyes but smiled. "Great thank you.

"Well, I have some good news for you." Jack raised an eyebrow, unsure of where this was going. "Mr Ricci has retracted his claims against you. Turns out he fell down a flight of stairs whilst intoxicated and thought he'd try his luck getting some money out of you after your little chivalrous act the night before." Jack felt a weight he hadn't even realised he'd been carrying lift from his shoulders as he sighed with relief. "That's fantastic news." Pete gave a nod, squeezing his shoulder with a genuine smile. "I told you it would work itself out."

His eyes fell on Alex where he was leant against the counter in the kitchenette draining the last of his coffee. The smile instantly dropped with his hand, his expression becoming unreadable. "Alex." He greeted, nodding stiffly in his direction. "Morning Pete." He replied casually, placing the mug down and righting himself.

Pete sent Jack a look that told him he was in trouble, but Jack ignored him, stepping out into the hallway ready to go. He was in far too good a mood to let Pete ruin it now.

As soon as they reached the studio the band were dragged off into makeup, much to Jack's dismay. He hated being forced into makeup; it always seemed so pointless. Why did his face have to be painted face colour because there was going to be a camera pointed at him?

The makeup girl chatted away about the latest gossip as she worked on Jack's face. He wasn't really listening and to be honest he didn't really care. He'd never understood people's obsession with talking about each other's struggles and embarrassments.

Instead, he watched Pete and Alex in the mirror's reflection. Pete was trying and failing to act casual as they stood against the wall, keeping out of everyone's way. Jack didn't need to guess what he was talking about.

Glitter And Ash (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now