Chapter 17

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"If you don't eat before the show, you're not gonna starve to death or anything, are you?" Jack asked, poking Alex with his toe where he was sat on the floor playing cards with Jenna. "No, why?" He didn't bother looking up from the game. "I'm taking you out to dinner after the show." Alex laughed. "Are you now?"

Vic made a gagging noise from where he sat on the other couch. "God, can you two just fuck already and put us all out of our misery? All this sexual tension's gross." Jack just rolled his eyes but didn't comment.

"Don't be jealous because European women don't like you." Jack snorted at the memory of Vic having a drink thrown in his face at the bar they'd been in the other night. He swore it was a language barrier thing, that she'd simply misunderstood what he'd said. Jack was pretty confident that was bullshit.

Vic caught his eye as he stood up and indicated for Jack to follow him outside. With a frown Jack did, grabbing his coat along the way. Europe was cold and Jack had no interest in becoming an icicle.

"You know it's his birthday coming up right?" Vic asked once they had a little privacy. Jack nodded. "Yeah, I know. Whilst we're in Munich" Vic sighed in relief and Jack tried not to be too offended by everyone's lack of faith in him.

"Look, he'll tell you he doesn't want anything, that you don't need to do anything. Ignore him. You've done really well with showing him how much you care and stuff so far and he appreciates it more than he'll let you know. So just... do something. It doesn't have to be big or extravagant, just treat him."

Jack nodded along with his words. "I've got a little present sorted and I've booked a place for brunch. Everyone's planning on going out for drinks after the show and I'm pretty sure Pete's arranged a cake." Vic nodded in approval. "Okay brunch, brunch is good. I hope the present wasn't expensive, you'll have a tough time getting him to accept it." Jack shook his head. "It's nothing flashy, just a little something I picked up at the market in Hamburg." Vic smiled warmly.

"Great! I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I'm glad he has you. You're good for him." Jack chuckled, shaking his head a little. He was pretty sure no one had ever said that about him before. "Doesn't mean I won't still kick your ass if you hurt him."

                                    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・───

It was late afternoon and Jack was wandering along a small, cobbled side street alone. Alex was busy setting up for the evening's show and he hadn't really wanted to hang out with any of his bandmates.

It was starting to reach the point in the tour where they were all sick of each other and would seek solitude as often as they could. It would pass, it always did, but it didn't matter how much you liked a person, there was only so much time you could spend essentially living on top of them before you needed some space.

A small coffee shop caught his eye and he decided to head in. As he drew close to the door it was suddenly flung open and someone walked straight out and into him, spilling their coffee all down the front of his coat.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry!" The voice was oddly familiar though Jack struggled to place it. "It's fine, really," Jack said in an attempt to soothe the overly flustered flame-haired woman as she frantically attempted to clean him up with a scrunched-up tissue. "No, it's my fault. Please, let me-" Jack grabbed a hold of her wrist to still her hand and she finally looked up.

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