Chapter 35

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When Jack woke up the next morning, he felt like crap but for the first time in a while, he didn't regret his previous evening taking place.

He took in his surroundings with confusion, he was on the bus couch, but everything was wrong. The furniture was the wrong way around and he was pretty sure it had never been green. This isn't my bus.

He slowly sat up to find Ryan standing in the doorway looking thoroughly unimpressed. His arms were folded across his chest as he scowled. "Do I even want to know what you're doing on my bus?"

If Jack hadn't been so confused and hungover, he might have commented on his tone and attitude. After all, if it wasn't for Jack's band Ryan wouldn't be there.

"I'd like to." He muttered to himself under his breath, his memory hazy at best.

He pulled his phone from his pocket to check the time, but it was dead. "It's just past midday and we're in Leeds." Ryan provided flatly. Jack nodded slowly as he got to his feet, he needed coffee and a shower. "Thanks." He muttered before walking past him and out the door, heading over to his own bus.

He frowned as he went through all his pockets but couldn't find his keys. Fuck. Pete would kill him for losing his bus key and if he couldn't find them, he'd have to get his locks replaced when he got back to Baltimore. With a sigh, he knocked on the door and prepared himself for Pete to yell at him.

It was Vic who answered. His face instantly morphed into an expression of total relief; not what Jack had been expecting.

"Barakat!" He cried, pulling Jack into a hug. "Man, we thought we'd left you in Sheffield!" Jack gave an awkward laugh as he stepped onto the bus, everyone turned to watch as he made his reappearance.

"Jack!" Pete cried. "Thank god, I was just about to report you missing!" Jack winced as he made his way to the coffee machine and poured himself a mug. "That's a little bit of an overreaction." He mumbled, taking a large mouthful of the black caffeinated liquid.

"Where were you? I left so many messages!"
"On the Mediterranean Blues bus. My phone's dead." He explained through a yawn. "I couldn't find my keys and I didn't want to wake everyone up at ass o'clock in the morning." Jenna snorted at that.
"They're in your bunk." She said helpfully as relief washed over him. Thank God!

After that near disaster, Pete was reluctant to let Jack out of his sight. He'd banned him from leaving the venue meaning he was left wandering the halls aimlessly with nothing to do until soundcheck. He ended up heading up to the balcony seating area. Maybe he'd be able to have a nap or something since it would no doubt be quiet.

He was surprised when he walked through the door to find a figure sitting in one of the seats in the front row. On closer inspection, he realised it was Alex.

He glanced around at the sound of Jack's footsteps obviously not having expected any company. "Sorry," Jack said awkwardly, raising his hands in defence. "Didn't realise anyone was up here."

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