Chapter 33

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Jack was woken up by a loud angry knock at his door. It did nothing to help the jackhammer in his brain and he let out a soft groan as he sat up in bed.

Despite promising everyone he wouldn't, he'd ended up raiding the minibar when he got back to his hotel room and had drunk everything with even the slightest alcohol content. It was safe to say he was regretting it now. Sure, he'd managed to sleep, well pass out, but now he was heartbroken and severely hungover. A frankly lethal combination.

He slowly made his way towards the door and opened it to find a very pissed off Vic glaring at him, arms folded across his chest. "You promised me." He said, words clipped and tight as he forced them through gritted teeth. "You promised me you wouldn't hurt him."

With a heavy sigh, Jack stepped back, letting him in before dropping down on the couch. Of course, Vic would choose to come and fulfil his duty as the angry best friend whilst he felt like he was dying.

"If you're here to kick my ass, can you make it quick so I can go crawl back into bed and wish for death?" Vic rolled his eyes.
"Crawl back into bed with Franceschi you mean." Jack frowned, furrowing his eyebrows. "Josh isn't here."

Vic raised a disbelieving eyebrow making Jack sigh. It was amazing how little people thought of him. He supposed he only had himself to blame.

"You can go check if you want." He shouldn't have been surprised when Vic headed through to his bedroom and began a brief search.

"Doesn't mean he wasn't here." He said upon his return, crossing his arms. Jack sighed heavily, trying hard not to lose his patience. "He has a boyfriend Vic."
"Since when have you ever let that stop you?" Jack sighed and gave up.

Apparently, it didn't matter what he said, Vic was going to paint him in the darkest light possible so he may as well just let him yell at him and be done with it.

Vic frowned as he properly took Jack in. He'd only really seen Jack at soundcheck or at shows since he was busy supporting an erratic and highly emotional Alex the rest of the time. When Jack was on stage, he was the same outgoing, lively, arrogant, rock star he'd always been. Now that he was seeing him up close it was clear that on-stage Jack was in a very different state to off-stage Jack. Off-stage Jack was a mess.

"I thought you weren't drinking." He stated after a long uncomfortable silence.

He'd overheard Jenna and Rian whispering about it the other day and thought it odd knowing how much Jack liked to party. Considering he'd managed to vanquish Taylor at her own sick little game he'd assumed he'd want to celebrate and party hard.

Jack simply shrugged, head flopping against the back of the couch as he stared blankly up at the ceiling. "Watching the guy you're in love with getting off with some random woman will do that to you." He muttered bitterly. He sounded genuinely hurt which was the last thing the tech had been expecting.

Vic was at a loss for words. He'd fully intended on coming in here and tearing Jack to shreds for what he'd done but seeing the state of him, he just couldn't bring himself to do it.

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