Chapter 38

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Warning: Homophobic language

Jack was sitting on the couch playing around on an acoustic guitar. He hadn't gotten much sleep over the last few nights and laying there staring at the ceiling was driving him insane.

Taylor hadn't said or done anything of note, but he still couldn't shake the bad feeling that sat in the pit of his stomach. If anything, it seemed to be growing worse.

He'd only been messing around at first, but it had ended up sparking quite a bit of inspiration and now he had the bones of what could be a pretty amazing song if the right people worked on it with him. He was pretty proud of it.

There was a light knock at the door, and he got up to find Alex smiling at him in the hallway. He stepped back to let him in, pecking his cheek as he passed. An annoyingly familiar wave of nerves washed through him as he worried how Alex would react, but the caramel-haired lad just smiled.

"That sounded really good." He indicated towards Jack's guitar as he took a seat on the couch. "Though I'd have thought you'd be wanting your beauty sleep."

They had a radio interview and acoustic performance today and they'd spent all their free time the last few days rehearsing for it. It had meant the two hadn't been able to spend much time together, so Jack was incredibly glad to see him.

Jack just shrugged in response. "Couldn't sleep." Alex frowned slightly as Jack sat down beside him. "Are you still feeling weird?" Jack nodded, sighing a little.
"This morning's the worst it's been yet." Alex gave him a sympathetic smile, wrapping an arm around his shoulder and squeezing gently. "It'll pass." He promised, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

He glanced over the various scribbled notes Jack had made whilst figuring things out and blinked in surprise. "Wow, look at you. Writing words and everything." Jack rolled his eyes as Alex looked over them.
"I can write words." Jack defended. He'd done a decent job of the last song he'd written. Or so everyone kept telling him.

"Play it for me?"
"It's not finished yet," Jack argued, blushing a little.
"Looks pretty finished to me." Jack shook his head but began to play regardless. He was a little surprised when, right on cue, Alex began to sing.

I'm a liar, I'm a cynic
I'm a sinner, I'm a saint
I'm a loser, I'm a critic
I'm the ghost of my mistakes
And it's all my fault that I'm still the one you want
What are you after?
Some kind of disaster, yeah

I woke up from a never-ending dream
I shut my eyes at 17
I lost every moment in between
I felt the sun rise up and swallow me, yeah
And it's all my fault that I'm still the one you want

I'm a liar, I'm a cynic
I'm a sinner, I'm a saint
I'm a loser, I'm a critic
I'm the ghost of my mistakes
And it's all my fault that I'm still the one you want
So what are you after?
Some kind of disaster (Some kind of disaster)

I crashed down from a high that felt so real
I never knew how much it would hurt to feel
You gotta hurt sometimes to learn to heal
You gotta get back up and learn to deal, yeah
And it's all my fault that I'm still the one you want

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