Chapter 44

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Warning: Panic/anxiety attack

Jack smiled as he listened to Alex play. They had spent the best part of the last few months in the new studio they'd built, writing songs, and just generally jamming. It had been a lot of fun, but it was making Jack really miss playing live.

"That was amazing," Jack informed him once he'd stopped recording. Alex blushed a little as he smiled. "I think that one's my favourite so far." Jack hummed in agreement.

"What are we gonna do with them?" Alex frowned a little in surprise.
"I hadn't really thought about it." He admitted, shrugging.

"We should start a band." Alex looked at him like he was crazy. "I'm serious! Clearly, you are destined to be a musician and perform in front of the world, I am dying to get back on the road and I happen to know a pretty good drummer and bassist who aren't really doing anything right now."

Alex sent him a level look as he thought about it. "You really think that's a good idea?" Jack nodded eagerly.
"I think it would be an amazing idea. This music needs to be heard and if we're out on the road together then we don't have to worry about never seeing each other and I think the four of us would work really well together and, I mean, we know we all get on. Four friends having fun and making music, what could be better?"

Alex bit his lip but nodded slowly as a smile formed. "It's not a bad idea..." Jack grinned, instantly closing the space between them, and connecting their lips. "See what Zack and Rian say, and we'll go from there."

Unfortunately for Jack, they were a lot less easy to convince.

"Dude we've already been over this." Rian laughed as they caught up over skype. "No one's interested in being your sidekick." Jack rolled his eyes. "No one's asking you to be. I'm asking if you wanna make music together."
"We've got the starts of some pretty great stuff going on here that we'd love you guys to take a look at," Alex added, trying his hardest not to come off too excited. Jack had to fight against a smile.

"Wait, you guys are writing together?" That immediately piqued Rian's interest. Jack nodded. "Well, Lex is doing most of the work. I'm just kinda noodling over it." Alex rolled his eyes.
"Oh please, you've written plenty of songs."

Jack opened his mouth to argue but stopped when he noticed the half-amused, half exasperated look on Zack's face. "You sure you two going out on the road together is a good idea?" They both sent him indignant looks.

"Look you don't have to commit to anything right now. Just listen to the tracks and see what you think?"

The pair exchanged a look, a wordless conversation taking place as Alex and Jack sat patiently. Alex was practically vibrating in his seat.

"Alright," Rian said finally. "Send over the tracks and we'll take a listen."

Within an hour of Alex sending over a few of the tracks they had. Rian was calling back and inviting them down to his studio in Nashville.

Glitter And Ash (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now