Chapter 25

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Jack's first morning in Paris was cold. Really cold.

Shivering slightly, he opened his bleary eyes to find he had no covers. Well, that explains that.

Alex lay by his side fast asleep, the covers wrapped around him like a cocoon. Jack smiled softly but was quick to try and detach him from at least some of the heat giving material. He would not budge.

Jack tugged harder achieving nothing other than making Alex relieve a soft groan. Tugging harder still he managed to roll Alex enough to release the covers from beneath him. "Jack." He groaned dragging out the 'a' like a whiny child. "I'm cold."
"How can you be cold? You've got all the covers."

He opened one eye, glanced uncaringly over the situation before closing it again and snuggling back down. He did, however, deign to let Jack take back his half. At least the material was warm from where it had been wrapped around Alex's body for who knew how many hours.

Jack slowly moved closer, wrapping a chilled arm around Alex's hips, where his t-shirt had risen up, causing a yelp of surprise. "Get off! You're freezing you jackass!" Jack laughed.
"Well, whose fault is that?" Alex rolled his eyes.
"You can't have wanted them that much if I managed to get such a good hold of them." Jack didn't really know how to argue with that, opting to press a kiss to the tip of his nose instead.

"So..." Alex began, a sultry smirk playing at his lips. "We've got a day off in the city of love and it's Christmas Eve. I'm thinking we spend the day in bed watching movies and having lots of super-hot sex." Jack chuckled. He could not deny he really liked the sound of that plan.

"Or." He countered, pushing on with his original super romantic ideas. "We could make the most of our day off and go do some romantic and cultural things in the city of love."

Alex pouted, poking his lower lip out just a little. "I like my idea better." Jack was struggling to remember why he was arguing against it. Stick to the plan Jack!

"Well, it is an excellent idea. But maybe we could save it for tomorrow? It's not like there's anything special planned and everything will be shut anyway, and Christmas Day is even more special and romantic than Christmas Eve. Plus, it could totally spill over into Boxing Day too since no one cares about that." He could tell he was wearing him down.
"I suppose you've got a point." Jack grinned, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "I promise it'll be worth it."

When the pair eventually got up, they realised the sudden temperature drop was due to the fact it had started to snow sometime in the night. Thick flakes fluttered past the large floor to ceiling glass doors that lead out onto the balcony as Jack put the coffee machine on. Alex watched with a childlike fascination.

"Jack it's snowing!" He exclaimed excitedly. Jack hummed in acknowledgement. "Maybe we should stay in after all." Alex sent him a disbelieving look. "Are you crazy? We've got to go out and make the most of it whilst it's all pretty and not sludgy." Jack chuckled, shaking his head a little as he handed Alex a mug of coffee. "Fine. But no throwing it!" Alex pouted but reluctantly nodded in agreement.

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