Chapter 2

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Kelli's POV

I lay there next to Jason, watching his chest rise and fall slowly. His face is slowly yet surely getting more color back to it. Its been two days since he was shot and I haven't left his side since he come out of his home surgery.

Everyone has helped out with him, well mostly me. They would sit and keep me company so I wouldn't be alone with Jason. There are scared that I'll go into another breakdown and they don't want that for me or the babies.

Speaking of babies, Melanie is still at Patties house. We haven't let her see him like this, I just didn't want her to ever remember him like this, but we did have to tell Pattie about what happened. She was in complete shock, from the whole Alex and Justin thing to Jason getting shot.

Luckily Jason has been getting better, he would wake up for about five minutes, along enough to rub my stomach and take his medicine. I just pry that he gets better soon, I mean the babies will be here soon and I need him 100% to be able to help with them.

"Kelli" Someone says while knocking on the bedroom door. I look over to see Justin walking in with a bag of McDonalds in his hand. I smile slightly at the sight of the food, but then i remember who is holding it, we haven't really talked about Justin and what he has done.

"I thought that you might be hungry. You haven't been out of this bed in days and it's bad for the babies" he says handling me two larges fries, two quarter pounders and a large coke. I really hate eating for three, im going to have to work my ass off to get my before baby body back.

"Thanks" I say sitting up carefully. He smiles and sits in the chair that is beside Jason, he looks at him then back down at his food.

"Why Justin?" I say, it's been the question that I have been wanting to ask him for days now.

"Why what?" He asks like nothing happened. I roll my eyes while taking a sip of my drink.

"Why did you team up with Alex. After everything that Jason and I have done for you. After everything that we have been through" I say pointing between me and him. He looks down at his hand then runs his tongue over his lips, something that I have noticed all the McCanns/Biebers do.

"He said that if I didn't, he was going to kill mom, dad, the kids, Jason and you. I wanted to do everything I can to protect my family, I know that we aren't all together but I didn't want anyone hurts any of you guys" Justin finally speaks up. I look down at one of my already empty fry boxes and then back up to Justin.

"You should have been smarter about it. It didn't matter if you says yes or no he was going to kill everyone anyway. I mean look what he did to Jason" I say looking down at my love, his rosy cheeks and kissable lips.

"I know that now. It was stupid, so was hiding from you" Justin says. I look up at him, his caramel eyes burning into my blue/grey ones.

"I guess that it's the only thing I know. I mean mom and dad hid from Alex and Jason and the people they were running from. I just didn't know what to do" Justin says looking away, taking a bite of his Big Mac.

"You could have came to us, i mean we took in Derek, we would have taken you in as well" I say wiping my mouth. At this point I only had half a drink and half a quarter pounder left. Yes I'm a hungry pregnant lady, leave me alone.

"Do you think you guys will take me in now?" He asks, I look down at Jason then shrug.

"I don't know, we will have to talk about it" I say looking down at Jason. I see Justin nod put of the corner of my eye.

"Well I'm going to go, if you need anything just text me" Justin says getting up from the chair, collecting all the trash and walking out of the door. I sigh and stand up, walking into the bathroom to pee, these kids think it's fun to play soccer with my Blatter. After doing my things I walk back into the bedroom to see Jason trying to sit up. I run/waddle over to him, slowly helping him. Once he finally sits up fully he looks up at me and smiles

"Hey baby" he says, even just those simple words give me butterflies. I smile and look down at my hands before looking back up at him.

"Hey pumpkin butt, how you feeling?" I ask him, he gives me a weird look but laughs a little.

"Pumpkin butt?" He asks me. I shrug and blush a little.

"I mean you do have a nice butt, kinda like two little pumpkins" I say with a laugh, he laughs be winces in pain.

"Your so weird, but I'm fine. Really sore" he says bringing his hand up to his uncovered chest, to his recovering scar.

"Chandler said that it didn't hit your heart, about an inch over. He was able to get all the pieces out before they traveled to your heart. " I say climbing into bed next to him, he puts his right arm around my shoulder and kisses me on the head.

"He's never going to let me live it down that he saved my life you know" Jason says with a little laugh. I nod my head, Chandler will milk this thing until the day he dies.

"So where's Mel bug?" He says after a couple of seconds, I smile at his nickname he gave her then cuddle deeper into his side.

"She's still with your mom, I didn't want her seeing you like that" I say looking up at him, he nods then looks back down at my stomach.

"How much longer, I want them now" he says with a cute smile. I laugh and put my hand on my stomach, filling them move around inside.

"2 months" I say with a smile, two months until my two little angels are here.

"Well I'll have to get better faster then huh" he says with a chuckle. I laugh and nod, kissing his chest. We remain like this for a few minutes then Jason speaks up.

"You know I have been thinking" he starts. I look up at him then back down.

"That's scary" I say jokingly. He lightly shoves me with his arm but then kisses my cheek.

"I have been thinking about what you said. About moving to back to Canada, I mean there's no way we are going to get out of this life but it will be close. I mean most of our family is up there, we can take mom with us and the gang. I know how much you love Canada and I'm sure the babies will love it as well" Jason says. I think about it as well, I mean it's sure there is no way out of this life but Canada is safer.

"Sure, I mean I think I will feel better if our family is up there to help watch the kids while we are gone." I say looking up at him. He smiles and nods.

"Ok then, we'll move after the babies are born" he says kissing my head. My alarm goes off on my phone, telling me its time for Jason meds. I hand him the pills and a glass of water. After he takes them he lays down as so do I. I place my head in his chest while playing with his fingers while he slowly falls asleep.


Chapter two!! He's awake! Jason will become more heathy in the next few chapters and there will be new born babies!!!

How do you feel about them moving to Canada? And I'm going to bring back a lot of some people's favorite character!

If you have any ideas or ideas for characters let me know!

Thanks for reading
-Bella 💋

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