Chapter 35

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Kelli's POV

I wake up to the sound of talking. I open my eyes and look around to see that we are on the plane and my head is on Jason's chest. I snuggle closer to him, glad to be back in his arms. I sit there and listen to the conversation that is going on.

"So why should she even take you back, after everything that you did?" I hear someone ask. I know that it is Justin, that's all he has been saying the last couple of days and it really getting old.

"Because I love her and my kids. We are a family and should be a family. Yes I messed up but I am going to do whatever I need to do to show her I love her and will never do it again" Jason says. I smile at his voice and his kind words. I know I shouldn't have but I already forgave him.

"Well if I were her I wouldn't. In fact I don't forgive you" Justin says. Like what is this guys problem?

"Then that is your problem not mine. I know I messed up but this is between me and Kelli. What's your deal anyway? Why are you so obsessed with Kelli?" Jason asked him. I hear Justin huff then some moving around.

"I don't have to deal with this" he says before I hear him walk off. I feel Jason pull me closer and kiss my head.

"I know your awake baby" he says after a second. I smile and look up at him, his beautiful eyes that I missed so much look back at me.

"I missed you" he says. I smile and kiss his chest.

"I missed you to" I say. I know i should be strong and act like I hate him but I have done that for months and I can't do it anymore.

"Baby, I know this may not seem like I mean it but I really do love you. After all the bullshit I pulled I know I don't deserve you but please, please forgive me. I can't go another day knowing you hate me, and the kids. When I was laying there in my cell I was thinking how bad I messed up, knowing that I may never see you again and I would die with so much regret. Please baby I need you" he says with a tear falling from his eye. I reach up and wipe it away.

"I know I should hate you but I don't. I love you so much that after everything you did to me and the kids it doesn't matter. I was thinking about myself when I left you because the kids would cry their eyes out every night." I say shaking my head.

"Well we are back together right? So we don't have to worry about anything else" he says. I nod and smile.

"So when we land we need to find a house, and find out a way to make money" Jason says sitting up.

"You don't have to worry about that" I say sitting up as well, I straddle his hips and smile down at him.

"What do you mean?" He asks putting his hands on my hips.

"I already bought a house. It's four bedroom, kinda small but it's Perfect for us and the kids. It's on a ranch with horses and cows. There is really no on to worry about, only less then 1000 people live there and the ones that do are old couples" I say getting excited about Auburn.

"Well babe what if they find out about us? Then what?" He asks. I decided not to tell him about the other gang just yet, I probably should since we are on their turf but I made a deal with them, so we are all go now.

"Don't worry, I have it all taken care of" I smile. Just then the pilot told us that he was about to land so I got in my seat and buckled up.

"I know it may be to soon, but I love you" Jason says kissing the side of my head. I just smile up at him. I know that I forgave him, but he doesn't need to know that just yet.


"Mama!!" I hear all my babies say as I walk in the front door. I bend down only to be tackled by them all. I laugh and give each of them a kiss on the head

"Dada?!" Sophia yells. Jason laughs and picks her up, kissing all over her face, making her laugh with joy. I stand up when he picks up Adrian with Sophia still in his arms. Mel wraps her arms around his legs and hugs him.

"Aww their so cute!" I hear someone say. I turn around to see Maegan standing there smiling at them.

"Yea they are" I say waking over to the couch. I sit down and put my feet up, its been a long day and I feel like it's only going to get longer. I turn around to see Pattie and Jason hugging, I smile at their mother-son relationship, it's so cute.

"Aye Kells, how did it go?" Alfredo asks walking into the room.

"I don't know, lets find out" i say turning on the tv. I see the new channel is already on. It shows the prison on fire. I watch as they flip to the new lady. She sits up in her chair then looks at the camera.

"This just in, Los Angles Prison has been bombed! We know that was a job to get the prisoners out, but we are not sure yet if it was an inside job or outside, but all we know is that almost all prisoners, guards and stuff members were killed. There was video footage of criminals and some guard running away from the blaze. Here is some footage that we have just before the first bomb hit." the women says.

They show the prison, with inmates outside playing baseball, then the plane flying over, dropping a bomb on the east side of the building. Most of the cameras shut off. They speed it up to the last plane, and in the corner you can see us getting into the van, but luckily the camera was to badly damaged that you couldn't see our faces.

I turn off the tv and everyone looks at me. I look down at my kids to see them have a scared look on their faces. I see Mel look up at me and speak.

"Mama, what kinda of mean person would do that?" she asks me. My heart stops and tears come to my eyes. i stand up and run out of the house. I run down the hill and into the horse barn. My daughter thinks i'm a monster. Of course she doesn't know it was me but she said the person that did it is one, and that person is me!

I look around the barn to see a beautiful white horse standing there looking at me. I smile and walk over to it, petting its head. I get some treats from her bag that was next to her.

''Here you go Daisy. See you don't think i'm a monster right?" I ask her. like she will understand me. She makes a weird noise then shakes her head 'no'. I laugh thinking that she actually knows what i'm taking about.

"Your not a monster. You did what you had to do, they just haven't seen that yet" I hear someone say. I turn back to see Jason standing there. I look back at Daisy and sigh. I feel Jason come up and stand next to me, he holds out his hand for Daisy to smell. She does and grabs the snack bag from me and gives it to Jason. Which causes both of us to laugh.

"I'm sure if she knew why you did then then she wouldn't think that." He says giving her the last of the treats.

"I know but i still feel like one. I guess all my emotions are mixing right now, a lot of shit has happened since you been gone and its all catching up i guess" I say recalling back to all those night Mel came to me crying, saying how much she wants her dad.

"well I'm here now. I know its soon but we will work on it and become a family again. I will do want ever i have to do show you how sorry i am, and if i ever cheat or hit you then i will probably end it all. Not in a good way" He says looking down. I can see all the hurt and pain on his face.

"Well there is no need for that, but we will just take baby steps." i say putting my hand on his face. He smiles and leans in. I lean in as well and right before our lips meet for the first time in months i hear someone clear their throat.

"umm well i was just coming to talk to you but i see your busy" Taylor says looking at me then to Jason. Jason looks down at me and gives me a look. He then looks at Taylor and steps in front of me. I sigh, knowing that this isn't going to end well.


oohh a little drama!!!

ok guys so please go read the last chapter of the A/N book!!

thanks for reading


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