Chapter 13

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Kelli's POV

"Kelli I'm going to kill you!" I hear Jason yell angrily behind me. I laugh and take off running down the hall and down the stairs. I look for a room to hid in so I chose Derek's old room since he moved into the gang house with Maegan. I run into the room and carefully shut the door so he doesn't know where I am.

I run into the bathroom and get under the sink in the cabinet. There is no why I want him to find me, why because I pulled a prank on him. Well it wasn't really a prank I put some hair dye in his hair, it was bright purple. I know how much he loves his hair and I was bored so i did that. It can be washed out in two washes.

"Oh my god when I find you I'm going to kill you!" He shouts through the house again. I cover my mouth from laughing so hard. I'm glad the kids are out of the house and are with Pattie because I know how Melanie would have ratted out my hiding spot by now. I hear his angry footsteps enter the room, I hold my breath as he walks into the bathroom. After a minute I hear him sigh.

"Fine if you don't come out then I will just have to bring over my side hoe" he says, I can tell that he is smirking, i wait a second and I hear him walk out. I know he's not gone completely but being in this tight small space is really cramping me up.

I wait a few more seconds before slowly opening the cabinet door, looking around I noticed he wasn't in the bathroom room so I get out of under the sink and look into the bedroom. He wasn't in there either, I run out i to the bedroom and put into the hall only to have a pair of strong arms wrap around me.

"I got you baby girl" Jason whispers in my ear. I smile and try to wiggle my way out but he is to strong. I feel him pick me up and carry me into the guess bedroom, throwing me on the bed. He craws over to of me and is inches from my face.

"Your going to have to pay for this baby" he says in a sexy tone. I hold back a moan and close my eyes, calming myself down. Before I could say anything I hear the front door open and the sound of feet running but they weren't small feet.

"Kelli! Jason!" I hear Derek's voice call out, by the sound of his voice I knew something was wrong. Jason and I both get up, running into the hallway.

"What's wrong?" Jason asks once steps out into the hallway. Derek turns around to face us, his dark hair all over the place, blood all over his shirt.

"The kids" he stops to take a breath. The kids?!? At this point my heart is racing and I feel myself get angry and upset at the same time.

"What about the kids Derek?" I yell walking up to him. His looked away then licked his lips, he looked over at Jason then back to me.

"Someone took them" He says in a low voice. I stare at him, in shock of his words.

"What!" Jason yells from behind me. I look at Derek one last time before it kicks in, someone stole my babies. My face turns red, my blood begins to boil and a ball my fists up, my knuckles turning white.

"Tell me what happened, now!" I say slamming Derek into the wall, pinning him down.

"Mom called and said that she thought someone was messing around her house. When we got there, a few people were still there. We took care of them but not before" he stops in mid sentence.

"Before what!" I yell slamming him back into the wall.

"Before they shot Chaz. The killed him right there, in front of me. We looked for the kids but it was to late, they are gone" he says blinking away a few tears, Chaz was his best friend so it's hard for him. I back off of him and sigh angrily, running my hands through me hair.

"Who took them?" Jason asks Derek while I was pacing the floor. My head shoots up, remembering something. I run out of the room and up stairs to Jason's office, while he was gone I did all the work from here. One day I got a letter in the mail, it said something about taking the kids, I didn't think twice about it because we get death threats all the time.

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