Chapter 26

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Kelli's POV
(Faster update because of 9k reads for this story! Thank you so much!)

I quickly drove home, knowing Jason will wake up soon and try to find me. The way home I couldn't see through my tears. I'm so torn on what I should do, I need to leave Jason because he cheats, hits me and is a flight risk but I can't just take away his kids like that.

Even though he acts like a child by running off and not facing the problems like a man, he still is the father of my children and my love.

I sigh as I pull into the driveway. I quickly get out and walk into the house. I see Fredo watching tv while all three of my babies where sleeping.

"Hey whe-" I hold my hand up, telling him to stop talking.

"I'm leaving. So if you want to help me pack mine and the kids things fast then that's fine. If not then move out of my way" I say walking up the stairs. He follows me and gets in front of me.

"What's happening?" He asks me. I curl my fists in anger. I turn and punch the wall, all the sadness is replaced with hate.

"I walked in on Jason banging Kate, once I shoot her in the head he comes after me and attacks me. So I knocked him out and I'm leaving. I'm mailing him divorce papers as soon as I get to where I'm going" I explain walking past him, into my room to pack everything. I walk into the closet and grab the emergency getaway bag that has clothes, money and all my keepsakes in there just in case we have to get away fast.

"Wow, where are you going?" He asks me. I sigh and drag the suitcase with me into Melanie's room, grabbing her get away bag as well.

"I don't know. But I just need to get out of her before he wakes up because if he does he literally might kill me" I say rubbing the back of my head where a huge bump formed. As I walk into the hallway, I look in the mirror to see my face already bruising, scratches and cuts appearing. I shake my head and walk into the twins room, grabbing a duffle bag of just diapers and wipes, along with their bags.

"So are you ever coming back or letting him see them?" Fredo asks me. I sigh and close my eyes tightly.

"I don't know Fredo. Can you please load these and the kids in the car. I have to grab a few things" I say handing him the bags. He nods and walks away with everything.

I go downstairs and into the basement safe. I grab a huge duffle bag and put all the money in there, and I'm talking millions. I can barely lift the bag.

I put some guns and ammo in the bag as well before walking out of the basement. I walk into the living room to see my kids gone. I run out side and smile once I see them in the car.

I notice other cars around, the gang steps out of them and walk closer. I groan knowing this is not what I need right now. I walk to the car and put the bag with all the money in the trunk.

"Kelli what's going on" Maegan asks me. I sigh and close the trunk, walking over to the drivers seat before looking at them all.

"I'm leaving. A lot of terrible things just happened, which is causing Jason and I go get a divorce. Now you guys can decide to stay here in the gang with Jason or leave and do your own thing. Start a family, start another gang, I don't care. But I just want to say thank you to everyone" I say smiling at all of them. Questions start flying at me but all I notice is a figure at the back of the group.

I look at it and realize that it is Jason. My eyes get big and I try to get in my car but I hear a gun shot and feel a sharp, terrible, burning pain in my shoulder. I look down to see it bleeding, that's when I realize he shot me!

I hurry up and get in the car before he try's to kill me. I look over to see him running at me but he is tackle by Justin. I quickly back out and speed down the road, barely missing Justin and Jason laying in the middle of the road.

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