Chapter 28

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Kelli's POV

After i got the text from Jason I packed everything up and put it in the car. I decided to leave my phone so he will track me here. I wrote a note, pretty much just begging him to leave me alone, but I know it's not going to work.

At first I didn't want to leave my phone but I sent all my pictures to Alfredo, who backed them up for me. I still have contact with the gang and Pattie, they understand why I'm doing this.

I look at the clock and see that but is 2:16am. I am about an hour away from the motel. I know that Jason will soon be on my tail, I have to find somewhere quite and safe.

I keep driving, I look in the mirror to see the kids all sleeping peacefully. I yawn but I know there is no way I'm stoping. Just then my stomach began to make noises, I sigh and realize that it is going to be a long drive without food. it's not that I'm hungry, it's just that I'm bored and stressed, therefor I must eat.

I look around and see that I'm entering a small town. I know that it is almost impossible to see a restaurant open at this time an- wait! A 24 hour McDonald's!

I quickly pull into the drive through and order. I paid the guy and pull away, eating my French fries. They haven't started serving breakfast yet but I'm ok with that.


I pull into the gas station, I looked at the clock and it was now 8:30 am. I yawn and look back at the kids who are sleeping. I pump the gas and use a credit card I stole from a girl at the last gas station. Hey you have to do what you got do!

After paying for it I got my into the car and drove off. I noticed that traffic is starting to pick up so I hurry up and get in the lane. Once I did I turned on the radio, but not loud enough for it to wake up the kids.

I look in front of me to see a station wagon in front of me. I see an older couple and someone else in the back seat, chatting probably about moth balls. I look at their bumper stickers, some are horses and grandchildren. But I saw one that said

'Auburn is the place to be!' It had a stick figure family on it and some houses. I pick went to pick up my phone but realized I didn't have one. I groan and look around, I see a small mall coming up and I knew that there had to be a phone store in there.

The closer I got to the mall, I started to hear small yawns. I look back to see Sophia looking at me. She waves and then looks at Mel.

"Mama mama" she says.

"What baby?" I ask her even though I know she can only say Mama. She looks around then plays with her hands. I know she and the two others will be hungry soon. So I got into the lane to the mall.

"Mommy I hungry" I hear a voice say behind me. I smile and nod.

"I know baby girl, just a couple more minutes ok?" I ask her. Looking through the mirror I see her nod then lean over and grab Sophia's hand then Adrain's hand. My heart melted a little as I watch her.

I pull into the mall parking lot, right behind the station wagon. I park and it parks next to me. I get out and go to the trunk, getting the triple stroller out along with the diaper bag.

"Hey, you need any help there?" I hear a guy say from behind me. I turn to see a tall guy, with short brown hair and tan skin looking at me.

"Oh no I got it. I'm a professional at this now" I say with a small laugh. I set the stroller up and walk around to get the kids out.

"Are they yours?" He asks. I nod my head and get Adrian out first, then Melanie then Sophia.

"They are beautiful. Just like you" he says. I look down to hide my blush. No Kelli, your married! Well not for long.

"Are I see your married" the guy says. I look down at my finger. I still had my engagement ring on, but I threw my wedding ring at Jason that night.

"Sadly yes. But we, well I'm getting a divorce" I say making sure I have everything I need.

"Sorry to hear that. I'm Taylor by the way" he says holding his hand out. I shake it and look at him, his dark brown eyes that you get lost in.

"Kelli" I say. His smile drops and he looks at me closer. I was about to go when I hear a women call out.

"Taylor dear, come help me with your grandpa wheelchair!" We both turn to see the old women from the station wagon waving him over.

"You're with them?" I ask pointing to the couple. He nods and walks over to them. I follow them, they seem nice.

"Excuse me, I saw your bumper sticker. What is Auburn?" I ask her. She smiles and walks closer.

"It is a lovely small town, very small. Peaceful, quite and a wonderful place for families" she says. I nod, that seems like a look place to go. It will be harder for Jason to find me there.

"Why may I ask dear?" She asks me.

"Oh, I just got out of a marriage so I was finding a nice place for me and the kids" I tell her. She smiles and turns back to the car, grabbing a piece of paper, then writting some stuff down on it.

"Here are the directions to it. A new house came up for sell, you might want to look into it" she says. I smile and tell her I will.

I turn and walk into the mall, pushing the kids who are all awake. As soon as I enter I went straight for the food court, knowing the kids won't make it to the phone store.

I park the stroller in a line and wait to be called next. I know it seems like I just ate but I'm so hungry, all the time. I look around me, down at the kids then back at my arm. It's still very sore but getting better. I did a pretty good job sewing it back up if I do say so myself.

Once I was called I ordered some dry cereal packs for the kids and a bacon and cheese sandwich for me. Once the food was done i walked over to a table with the kids and sat down. I opened the packs of dry cereal and handed it to them, they didn't need milk. They loved it like that.

"Can I sit here?" I hear a voice say. I look up to see the Taylor guy looking at me. I nod and watch him take a seat.

"So you were talking to my grandma about moving to Auburn, I would love to show you around if you do decide to move there" he says. I smile and look at the kids, it would be a big help.

"I would love that." I say smiling. He laughs and leans closer.

"You know, I might need your number in order to get a hold of you. You know to help out" he says with a wink.

"Well it would help if i had a phone" I say. He laughs and looks behind him at the phone store.

"Let's go, you can finish your food on the way" he says standing up. I stand up at well, grabbing everything I needed and followed him.

I made sure my wig was still in place and my colored contacts. I can't risk having anyone recall me, even in a small town.



Thanks to lawren0000 for the idea and the help!! I love you so much bae!!

Don't worry, Jason is coming and there will be some Kelli/McCann/Bieber moments coming up ;)

Thanks for reading

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