Chapter 23

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Kelli's POV

"Jason, this is amazing. When did you find this?" I ask him looking up at the TV. The video from our wedding playing.

"I found it in one of your boxes and we haven't watched it yet so why not now?" He says with a shrug. He pulls me closer and kisses my head. I look up at the screen to see me walking down the Isle. I see Jason at the other end, a small tear coming to his eye.

"This is amazing Jason" I ask as I watch the video. He kisses my head and pulls me closer. We spend the rest of the night watching the video and some of Melanie's baby videos as well.


"Mama mama" I hear a voice from the other room say. I put down knife in was using to cut an apple and look over my shoulder.

"What Melanie?" I call into the living room, knowing she just wanted me to go in there and play with her. After I second I didn't hear anything, I shrug it off and continue to cut my apple. That's when it clicked, Melanie is with Jason at the candy store. My eyes widen and I run into the living room, leaving the knife on the cutting board.

"Mama" I hear as I run into the living room. I see Sophia sitting there in their little play ring, smiling up at me.

"Sophia did you just say mama?" I ask her. She looks over at Adrian who smiles at me then opens his mouth.

"Mama" he says bouncing on his little butt. Tears come to my eyes and I take out my phone and record him saying it. He says it over and over again while bouncing. It isn't weird for a seven month old to talk because Pattie said Jason said his first words at this age.

"That's right, say mama Adrain" I say smiling down at them, still taping them. I see Sophia move around so i point the camera at her. She grabs onto the edge of the play pin and pulls herself up. Once she is steady she looks up at me and smiles.

"My baby is standing now!" I ask. She smiles and wiggles her head, while Adrain keeps repeating himself. I stop recording and call Jason.

"Babe you will not believe what just happened!!" I say into the phone when he answers it.

"Kelli is everything ok, are the babies alright?" He asks in a panicked tone. I laugh and look over at the twins who are having a stare off.

"Adrain is saying Mama and Sophia is standing up. It won't be long before she walks!" I ask with tear coming to my eyes. My babies are growing up so fast!

"That's great babe. Look we are getting in the car now so we will be there soon, ok I love you" he says into the phone. I smile and sit down on the couch.

"I love you to" I say before hanging up. I'm so happy right now, like nothing can ruin it.


"Come on King say Dada" Jason says bouncing Adriana on his leg. I laugh as he gives him a weird look and keeps saying 'Mama mama'

"They are so cute and getting so big. Hell I remember when this one was that age" Fredo says playfully throwing Mel over his shoulder. I love the connection that he has with the kids, mostly Mel.

"I know they grow up so fast" Jason says kissing Adrian on the head. I nod and look over at Sophia who was laying on her back, playing with her toes.

"So I was thinking that maybe we could just go out. Like the whole gang go out and have some food and drinks, we haven't really done that since we moved here" Alfreo says putting Mel back down. I look over at Jason and he nods his head.

"We can maybe ask mom or dad to watch them" Jason says looking at Adrian who is looking back at Jason.

"Ok we'll go next week when your mom gets back" I say still knowing that Pattie and Dom are in Toronto. Just then my phone rings, I look down at the caller ID to see that it is unknown. I think about it then decided to answer it anyway.

"Hello?" I ask into the phone. I wait for a second when a women speaks up.
"Is this Kelli?" The women asks. I lean forward and try to think about where I have heard that voice before.

"Who's asking?" I ask her. At this point Fredo and Jason were paying attention to my phone call. They kept asking me questions but I focused on the lady.

"I need to talk to Jason. It's important" she says. I stand up and walk into the kitchen.

"Look lady. I don't know who you are but you better stop calling here and messing with me and my husband. So either you stop calling or you will regret it" I say seriously into the phone. Before she could reply I hang up the phone and sigh.

"Is everything ok babe?" I hear Jason ask from behind me. I nod and turn to him, I put my arms around his neck and kiss him.

"So I was thinking that maybe later we can have some very private time" he says with a smirk. I laugh and roll my eyes.

"Are you just doing this in hopes of getting me pregnant again?" I ask him. He laughs and shakes his head non

"Kelli the whole point is not to get the girl pregnant" he says with a laugh. I punch him and his stupid jokes that only he thinks is funny.

"Mommy door!" I hear Melanie yell from downstairs. I sigh and sit up on the bed, Jason is downstairs with the kids so why can't he do it and leave me to finish my nap?

I sigh again and stand up from the bed, walking down the stairs. I see Melanie and the twins in the living room, the twins in their play pen and Melanie coloring. Jason is no where to be found, what a great father.

I hear another knock on the door so I hurry up and answer it before the person gets to angry. I open the door to see a young women, about my age standing there. She had short blonde hair that came just above her shoulders. She has brown eyes and light skin.

"Is Jason here?" She asks. I roll my eyes when I realize that it is the women that has been calling me nonstop the last couple of days.

"Look lady like I told you on the phone, stop calling me, don't ever show up to my house again because if you do I swear I will kill you" I say taking a step closer to her. Fears runs over her face as she tries to form words but can't.

"Stella?" I hear a voice say from behind me. I turn back to see Jason standing there with a pale face, his mouth slightly open and fear in his eyes.

"Jason" this Stella women says with a mixed tone. I look back and forth between them, what's going on?


Hey guys. Sorry it's short and sorry I haven't been on and updated in a while, a lot of things have happened and I needed a little break.

Thanks for reading
-Bella 💋

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