Chapter 42

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*need to read end bold notes because it's very important!! Can not stress enough*

Kelli's POV

*one week later*

"Hey mama Kelli, can I have fruit loops?" Brady asks sitting on the barstool by the counter.

"Ok course sweetie" I say grabbing the box of fruit loops, I get two bowls out for Brady and for Adrian. Jason took the girls out for a daddy, daughter day. So I'm here for a mommy son day.

"So how are you liking your new home?" I ask Brady as j pour the milk in her bowl. I place it in front of him and some on Adrain's high chair, where he is sittin.

"It's ok, I don't like the creepy man though" he says. I stop and look at him, with a shocked face.

"What creepy man?" I ask him. It's almost like a part from a scary movie.

"The one that looks in our window at night. One time her tried to get the window open but daddy came in to tell us goodnight" he says before taking a big bite of his food. I go to my room and grab an old walky talky that Jason and I have. I go back into the kitchen and hand it to Brady.

"Ok so I want you to keep this by your bed ok and when ever the creepy man comes I want you to tell me by pressing this button" i say showing him how to work it. He nods and goes back to his food. I lean down at kiss Adrian's head, which causes him to give me a fruit loop. I laugh and kiss Brady's head as well since I now see him as a son.

"Mama" Adrain says looking up at me. I look down at him to see him pointing at the door, I wait a second but nothing happens.

"No one th-" just then the doorbell goes off. Okay kids are freaky, I walk over to the door and look in the peek hole to see Taylor. I open the door and hear a squeal behind me, I turn to see Brady holding the walky talky, pressing the page button. Then it kicks in, Taylor is the creepy man. I step out and close the door behind me.

"Yes?" I ask him. He looks around then back at me.

"I was just wanting to know how the new kid is doing" he says. I cross my arms and look at him.

"He's fine, except at night he says that he sees a creepy man outside his window" I tell him. Taylor's eyes get real big then he looks away.

"I'll keep an eye open for someone messing around. I'll talk to you later" he says trying to walk away but I grab him by his shirt collar.

"No. I know its you messing around. So why the hell are you doing it?!" I ask him pushing his shoulder.

"Because I don't trust Jason" he says. I roll my eyes and take a step forward.

"It doesn't matter if you trust him, he is my husband so you leave me and my family alone. And if Brady tells me or I see you around my house again I will shoot you" I tell him. At this point we are face to face.

"What's going on here?" Someone asks coming up behind us. I look to see a very pissed off Jason holding Sophia in one arm and hold Mel's hand with the other.

"Nothing, I was just leaving" Taylor says walking away. I glare at him the whole time, I'm very pissed off at him. I thought I could trust him.

"Kelli. I need to talk to you" Jason says in a pissed off tone. I nod and open the door to see Brady helping Adrain out of his high chair. I run over and pick Adrian up just in case Brady drops him.

"Leave them and follow me to the bedroom" Jason says putting the girls down. I nod and put Adrain down before locking the front door and following Jason. As soon as we walk into our bedroom he slams the door behind him.

"What the hell Jason?" I ask him. I haven't seen this side of him in a while and I was hoping to never see it again.

"No, I should be asking you the question Kelli" he says putting his hands on his hips. I'm I missing something?

"Jay what are you talking about?" I ask him trying not to make a fight out of this.

"I went to buy clothes for all the kids today and when I used the bank card it said it was completely empty, overdrawn in fact." He tells me. Oh this isn't good, mostly because I haven't told him about us not having money.

"Jason, remember that night in the barn, the money problem was brought up and you said to not worry about it" I tell him, recalling back to that night.

"That's before i knew how bad it was Kelli. What are we supposed to do huh? We have four kids, a house, two cars to all pay for. We have no money and I don't know where all those millions went to" he says pacing back and forth. I walk over and sit on the bed.

"Remember when you were chasing after us? While I was packing to get away I grabbed as much money as I could. It wasn't enough because I had to buy a new car so you wouldn't track the old one, all the gas and other shit. Plus I had to steal people's banks cards to get here Jason" I inform him. He stops and looks at me, guilt rushes over his face.

"Why don't we go back and get the rest of the money?" He ask. I shake my head no and play with my nails.

"I told the gang and your mom to split it. I knew they would need it" I tell him. He sighs and sits next to me.

"Okay now what?" He asks. I have a couple ideas of how we can get money but I don't like any of them. Just then we hear a little knock on the bedroom door. I get up and walk over to it and open it up. I see Brady and Melanie holding five dollars and some change.

"Dis can help mommy" Mel says handing me the change. I look back at Jason and start to cry. I get down on my knees and hug them both.

"Thank you babies but this is your money. You need to save it to get you a toy, me and daddy will do something ok" I tell him. They nod and turn around waking away. I stand up and close the door, Jason takes me into his arms and hold me while I cry. I honestly don't know why I'm so emotional but I hate it.

"Do you have any ideas?" He asks me. I wipe my eyes and hate myself for my response.

"Yea" I tell him. I don't want to do this, because it will only lead to trouble and we will take a step backwards. We are supposed to get out of the gang life, not go back in it.

"What is it babe?" He asks me moving my hair out of my face.

"Well there is this big bank in town that a lot of wealthily people use. So I was thinking that we would get Justin to hack into that one and a couple others and take the money and put it in a spare account of ours. We have to make sure that they can't track it but Justin can do that" I tell him my plan. He thinks about it then looks down at me.

"Ok, we get all the money from all the banks then we are done with this life" he tells me. I smile and nod my head.

"Ok now let's get out there before our kids burn down the house" he says. I laugh and walk to the door. I'm glad that this life will be officially over soon.

But I was so wrong


Ohh. What's going to happen??

It may be sad, so you might want to keep your tissues near by.

The story is coming to an end soon, so I'm tying up the lose ends.

Let me know if there is anything you want to see in the story. Because it's your last chance. Send me all wants and request to me in my inbox.


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