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Hey guys.

So I have sad news.

For the time being, I'm quitting writing.

There is a lot of things going on in my life and I really need to focus on them. I need to focus on life and myself.

It's sad and I don't want to stop but I'm not going to stop forever. Just for a little while. I don't know how long my break will be but I know that I have to do it.

I have to do it for emotional and mental reasons. A lot of people underestimate the amount of pressure put on a writer. I have that weight and the weight of my everyday life being put on my shoulders.

I won't be gone forever just a little while. Like I said before I can't tell you how long that will be. I won't forget any of you or even my story's. I'm not going to delete them so you guys can share them and read them over and over again.

One bad thing is that my new story 'Creating a Killer' may or may not be out in December like I promised. But I will release it and work on it when I get back, depending on when.

I honestly don't want to do this but I know it's right. I also know that I'm just typing out into space with no one to catch my words. Only a few truly care and I thank you.

I will come back. I will continue writing just not at the moment.

I love you guys and please don't forget about me.


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