Chapter 36

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Jason's POV.

I stand in front of Kelli, blocking her from this guy. I know who he is and how dangerous he can be.

"This is just my friend Taylor. Meh showed us this place and got us the house" Kelli says from behind me. I turn to look at her then back to him.

"What has happened between you two?"i ask them. Just by looking at him I can tell something his up.

"We went to school together like when we were five" he says. I nod and look back at Kelli.

"I think we should go before the kids start burning down the house" I say with a small laugh. She does the same and I wrap my arm around her before we walk out of the barn. I feel Taylor's eyes burning into the back of my head but I don't really care, I'm just finally here with my baby.

We walk into the house to see that it was empty, well only Fredo and the kids were there.

"Aye where's everyone?" I ask helping Kelli out of her shoes. All of the same stuff I'm going to help with, even taking off her shoes.

"They all went to the hotel we have booked until our flight tomorrow. I wanted to stay with the kids as long as I can" he says tickling Sophia's stomach. She laugh and try's to push him away but it doesn't help.

"Ok. Thanks Fredo. Call me when you get to the hotel" Kelli says giving him a hug. I give him a bro hug before he walks out the door. I pick Kelli up bridal style and carrying her over to the couch. She laughs as I place butterflies kisses all over her face and neck.

"Mama I hungry!" Mel says with her hands on her hips.

"But grandma Pattie fed you before we got home" Kelli says matching Melanie's stance. At this point they are nose to nose before Kelli kisses Mel's.

"What do you want?" Kelli asks her as she stands up.

"PB&J!!" She shouts. Adrain and Sophia clap there hands as well. Kelli laughs and walks into the kitchen. As soon as she does all three of my babies climb on me.

"I missed you daddy" Mel says with her head on my chest.

"I missed you to baby girl" I tell her. I kiss her head and I feel a tap on my stomach. I look down to see Sophia looking at me. She looks at King then they both look up at me.

"Dada!!" They both yell at the same time. I smile forms on my face larger them Texas(cheesy but oh well).

"Aww I love you guys" I say picking both of them up and kissing there faces over and over.

"Hey what's going on in here?" I hear Kelli ask as she walks into the room with three PB&Js in her hand.

"The twins both said dada!" I yell still happy about it. I small look of disappointment comes to her face but it is replaced by happiness.

"That's great babe, they haven't said that yet. Hell Adrain hasn't even said mama" she says giving on sandwich to Mel, one to me and sat down to fed the twins with the other one.

"Don't worry babe he'll do it soon." I say trying to make her feel better about the whole thing. She just gives me a small smile and Feds the twins.


"Ok so all the kids are down for the night, the house is all locked up, so what do you want to do?" I ask Kelli while crawling into our bed. I crawl over top of her and start kissing down her neck, down to her chest that parts of it was showing because of the tank top she is wearing. But before we could go any farther her phone gets a text.

"Who's that?" I ask her as I sit up, so I'm straddling her but not crushing her.

"It's Taylor, he says he needs to talk to be down at the barn. He says it's pretty important and you should come to" she says looking up at me.

"Well you're not going to go right?" I ask her with a small laugh. She look up at me then down at her phone.

"Really Kelli? Your going to go met that dick head and leave your husband that is about to make love to you for the first time in months?" I ask her getting a little angry.

"Look if he says it's important then it is and I have to go" she says lights pushing me off of her and standing up. I just sit on the bed and look at her in disbelief.

"Are you coming?" She asks turning around to face me. I just lay down on my side of the bed and look up at the ceiling fan going around and around on low.

"Baby please I need you. I have a feeling about what it's going to be and I don't want to go all alone" she says walking over to my side. She bends down and kisses me on the cheek. I sigh look at her.

"If your scared then I'll go with you" I say. I really don't want to go but I will because it's for her and I will do anything and everything for her.

"Thanks babe" she says kissing my lips. I sit up and put on my shoes before walking out of the room. Kelli checks on the kids one last time before we both walk out of the house and make our way down to the barn.

As we walk into the barn I see that it is full of people, my heart drops once I remember I forgot my gun. I look down at Kelli but she keeps her eyes forward.

"Great their finally here, we can get started" Taylor says looking at us. I look around the barn then realize who everyone is. It's the gang SIN, our biggest rivals. I squeeze Kelli's hand and give her a look.

"What's this about?" Kelli speaks up. Taylor looks around then back at us.

"We want to talk about our deal"


Sorry it's been a while, a lot of stuff has been going on.

Anyway tell me what you think.

Thanks for reading

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