Chapter 15

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A/n Ok so I know you guys love me and I love all of you so please read the bottom A/N!! It is a big announcement that you don't want to miss!! Please read it and follow directions!! It is very important, like very. Enjoy this chapter, it's a lot of drama like you guys want!! I love you guys and make sure to read bottom note!

Kelli's POV

I wake up to a loud banging, I groan and open my eyes. Im still in the small room they put me in yesterday after Jason left with the kids. All that was in here was a small bed, some chains and a chair in the corner. The one good thing was that there was a window but it is two stories away from the ground.

The banging stopped after a second then the door to the room opened. In stepped the old man that is Letterman, he gives me a smirk because walking over to me.

"Good morning little lady" he says standing above me since I'm still laying in the bed. I sit up, watching his movements very carefully.

"What do you want now?" I ask him. I can't even stand to look at him, after all of the shit he put me and my family through, he is lucky he isn't dead right now.

"I just wanted to have some fun" he says. I groan at the thought of him getting undressed. He sits down in the bed, he reaches for my hand but I quickly pull it away, getting up out of the bed.

"No way in hell I'm letting you do anything to me. All I want to know is why and I here? You have your money and me and yet you have done nothing to me. So why am I here?" I ask him crossing my arms. He sighs and stands up from the bed.

"You will just have to see" he says before walking to the door. He stops and turns back to me. He gives me a wink before walking out. I roll my eyes and walk over to the window, I look around and see that we are in a field but the woods are only a couple hundred feet away. I look down at the ground, it's a long jump, I know if I jump from here there is know why I'm going to run into the forest.

Just then there was a knock on the door. I turn to see a tall young man walk through the door. He is about 6 feet tall and has long brown hair the goes to his shoulders.

"I came to take the you" he says in bored tone.

"Take me where?" I ask him. I know it's a stupid question but I just want to stall as much as possible.

"Just follow me, you'll regret it if you don't" he says walking out the door. The only thing can I think about is Jason or the kids and I don't want anything to happen to them so I quickly follow him out the door.

I follow him down the dark hallway and down the stairs. We both step into the living room where j see that it is empty.

"Go down into the basement" the boy says before walking off into the kitchen. I do as he says and slowly walks down into the basement. The lights are dim but I see about seven men down there all standing around a table with a phone and a computer on it. Just then Letterman walks over from the other side of the room and stands in front of the table.

"To answer your question you are here to do work for me" he says. He smirks and I take this chance to ask him a question.

"Then will I get to do home?" I ask him. He laughs then shrugs his shoulders.

"Maybe. Please take a seat so I can explain everything to you" he says moving over out the way to show a chair. I slowly walk over to it and sit down. All the men turn and look at me but I just focus on Letterman.

"So this is how it's going to work. I have about twenty people that haven't paid me back. I have them all in this house right now, each in a different room. There is one camera in each room, the video to the that room with show up on this computer" he says explaining everything. I shake my head and continue to look at him.

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