Final Chapter: Chapter 48

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Super long chapter for you!! Enjoy!
Read end notes loves!!

Kelli's POV.

I step out off of the plane, holding into Melanie with one hand and my coat with the other. I pull both of them close to she and I can stay warm.

We hurry to the car with Jason, the kids and the gang behind us. I get in and buckle Mel in, Jason does the same with the other three kids. He climbs in the drivers seat as the gang gets in the car. Justin sits down next to me and pats my leg.

"You okay?" He asks me. I give him a small smile and nod my head 'yes'. He nods and grabs my hand, giving it a small squeeze. I look away and over at Jason, who is looking in the rear view mirror. He rolls his eyes and goes back to the road.

"Mama Kelli, I'm hungry" I hear Brady say. I turn and look at him.

"We are almost at grandma Patties okay" I tell him. He nods and I turn back so I'm facing the front and sigh.

Within 15 minutes we were at Pattie's house where we are going to drop off the kids while we do the plan. Everyone gets out of the car and grab the kids

I walk up to the front door and open it, I walk into the living room to see Pattie, Dom and baby Ariana. I smile and walk over to them, Pattie stands up and gives me a hug.

"You look great!" I tell her as she pulls away from the hug.

"Thanks and you do as well" she says looking me up and down.

"Okay guys, we have to get to work" Jason says after a couple of minutes of everyone talking. I make sure all the kids have their toys and food before walking out the door to the car where the whole gang, even Dom is waiting in two separate vans.

We drive to a small warehouse that Don owns and we all walk in. Jason lays down nine different maps across the table and everyone stands around it.

"Okay, so these are the ten banks we are going to hit. Now there is only going to be one in Canada, which is Toronto. The others are in L.A, New York, Houston, Memphis, Dallas, Washington DC, Columbus and Vegas. Now these are the biggest banks in North America." Jason explains. Everyone nods, understanding everything so far.

"So here is the list of everyone and where they are going. No if, ands or buts about it." He says passing around some papers. I grab one and look at it, the list of everyone in the gang with the city next to them.

Dom- Toronto
Za- Vegas
Justin- L. A
John- New York
Derek- D. C.
Jason- Houston
Fredo- Memphis
Kelli- Dallas
Maegan- Columbus

"The bank we are going after is First Class Capital Bank. it is the largest bank in North America and has more then enough money to last all of us for life" Jason says. Justin rises his hand and rubs the back of his neck.

"It's a great plan and all but how are we going to get the money, we can't all rob all the banks at once. They have trackers on half that shit anyways." Justin says. Jason looks over at me and nods. I clear my throat and look at everyone around the table.

"When each of us gets the money wired into different bank accounts that is owned by some people that we know. They will deactivate all the trackers and put them all on fake money. They will take the fake stuff and set it at a location in each city at different times. The Feds will come and think it's the really deal, so we get to keep the real money and we get them off our backs." I explain part of the plan.

"But what will they do when they see all the money back? Won't that set some red flags off?" Meagan asks. I shake my head no and explain more.

"The fake money will be put into bag and put into the trunk of a car. Add some fire and dead body's and they think it was a getaway gone wrong. Now each person is different, meaning they way the cops find the money at different times throughout the next couple days but that is already take care of as well" I say.Everyone nods, understanding the plan.

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