Chapter 19

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Jason's POV

"Ok everyone I want you to meet the two new members, Za and John. Since we lost Chandler and Chaz I think it would be the best and safest for us to have more members. Now this doesn't mean that we are going to go out there and fight everyone, we are going to lay low" I say looking around the table at everyone. The whole gang was there, even the kids which I wasn't to happy about.

"We aren't going to cause trouble, which is going to be hard" i say with a laugh. Everyone nods and I continue.

"We will still do a couple small jobs in order to get money but we will stay out of everyone's way" I say. I look around the table, everyone nods.

"Ok that's all so go do what you want" I say waving my hand at them. They stand up and walk out of the meeting room, going upstairs to the rest of the gang house. I walk over and pick up Sophia, she kicks her feet. I grab them and start to tickle them, she coos which makes my heart melt.

"So what are you doing today?" I ask Kelli who is feeding Adrian.

"I was thinking maybe we can go look at the old house" she says with a smile. I smile back and nod.

"Maybe we can have the gang watch the kids and it will be just you and me go. Then maybe we can go out to lunch or something" she adds. I look over at her, there has to be something going on.

"What's going on?" I ask her. She gives me a weird look then speaks up

"Nothing, I just want to have lunch with my husband." She shrugs and begins to burp Adrian. I nod and kiss Sophia on the head. I stand up and so does Kelli, she grabs the babies bags and we walk up the stairs.

"Hey guys I need you to look after the kids today" Kelli says when we walk into the living room. They nod and Alfredo comes over and picks up Mel, spinning her around.

"Za, John, these are our kids. You will protect them with everything you have." I say looking at them then to the kids.

"This is Sophia and Adrian they are twins and that's Melanie she is our first born" I say pointing to all of them. They nod and Za takes Adria and Derek takes Sophia from me.

"Hey Kelli can I take to you?" Maegan asks Kelli. She nods and walks off with her into the kitchen.

"So what are you guys doing today?" Fredo asks putting Mel up on his shoulders.

"Kelli wanted to go see the old house" I shrug playing with my shirt. Kelli and Maegan soon come out of the kitchen, both of them were really happy and smiling.

"Ok let's go" Kelli say while kissing all of the kids. I walk over and grab her hand. We walk out of the house and to the car.

Kelli's POV

Jason starts the car and we speed off down the road, we turn onto the highway and make our way to Stratford.

"So what made you want to go look at it?" Jason asks taking my hand. I shrug and look out the window.

"I just wanted to look at it. See how the neighborhood is doing. Maybe we can visit with your mom and Dom since they moved there" I say. Pattie and Dom wanted to move back to Stratford since Pattie is from there. Luckily it is only about thirty minutes from where we live now.

The rest of the car ride was silent which was good because after being surrounded with three kids under the ages of three, it felt good to have some quite time.

"We're here" Jason says about thirty minutes later. I open my eyes and look around. We are parked in front of the old house, the house we first moved into when we got married, the house we brought Melanie home to.

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