Chapter 17

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Everyone outfits at top!

Kelli's POV

I look down at my three babies in my arms, Melanie in my left arm, Adrian in my right and Sophia laying on my chest. We have been like this since j got home, laying in bed. Right now they all were asleep and I know I should be to but my brain won't let me.

Just then the bedroom door opens and Jason steps in. He smiles and walks over to me, he carefully climbs into bed and takes Adrian out of my hands.

"Shouldn't you get some sleep, we are moving tomorrow" he whispers while patting Adrian's back. I almost forgot that we are finally moving up to Canada tomorrow. I looked over at the clock and it is 2:48 am.

"Don't you mean today" I say with a light laugh. Jason does the same but gets up, picking up Sophia as well, he walks out of the room the after a minute comes back to get Mel. Once all the babies are in their beds he walks over to me and cuddles into my side.

"Tell me what's on your mind" Jason says playing with my fingers. He sees the burns on my hands and starts to kiss them, then rub them.

"I'm a horrible person" I say finally breaking out. I don't even try to stop the tears from falling because I know that only more tears will replace them.

"No your not baby, your are the sweetest more caring loving person I have ever met. You are beautiful and the best mother I know" Jason says pulling me closer to his body. I shake my head and push away from him

"No, you don't understand. I was going to kill my parents" I say shaking my head. My voice could barely been heard.

"You what?" He asks me. I sigh and sit up, leaning against the headboard. Jason did the same and pulled me into his side.

"Go ahead and explain" he says rubbing my arm. I take a breath in before letting it out.

"Ok, so he made me kill innocent eighteen people, like not actually kill them but I had to pick who lives and who dies. I only did it because he said i could go home if I did. Every time I said no he would cut me, burn me or whip me." I pauses taking another breath.

"They were so innocent. All they did was borrow money from the wrong person and they dies because of me" I say crying harder. I know that I'm supposed to be tough and fearless and that I have killed many many people before, but these people didn't do anything wrong.

"So after all that I asked if I could leave but he told me no. The only way he would think about letting me leave is if I killed a couple. I though that was ok until I saw who it was" i say, my voice was getting a little stronger but now it's back to where it was.

"My parents, Pattie and Dom them Jeramy and Melissa" I finally say. Jason tenses beside me then speaks up.

"Where they there?" He asks in an angry tone. I shake my head no.

"No, there are ok. They were in their homes" I say trying to calm him down. He nods and let's out a breath.

"Well just think about it like this, you did what you had to do to get out of there and come home." He says kissing my head. I nod and lean up to kiss him on the lips.

"We should get some sleep, long day tomorrow" Jason says after a minute. I nod and cuddle deeper into his chest.


"Kelli where my beanie?!?" Jason yells from the bedroom down the hall. I was in the twins room trying to change and dress both of them.

"It should be with your other clothes. I laid them all out for you"i shout back. I look down at little Sophia and help fix her headband. I move over to Adrian and strap on his little shoes. The door opens and Pattie walks in with Mel on her hip, I smile at them. Pattie is over here helping pack the clothes and get all the kids together. She and Dom are moving up to Canada as well so it is a plus.

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