Chapter 25

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Jason's POV

My heart almost stops. This can't happen! I can barely handle three kids I don't need another one!

"Mr. Herman are you ok?" The doctor asks me. I shake my head, mostly trying to shake the shock out of my mind. I stand up and storm out of the exam room and into the waiting room where Kelli, the slut and the, well my kid are. I walk right over to Stella and push her up against the wall.

"You slut! You did this on purpose!" I say punching the wall beside her. She screams in fear and I feel Kelli pull me away. I look at Stella, fear still in her eyes. I look down at the small boy the is curled up around his moms leg.

I look at him, his eyes full of fear and yet the same as mine. I turn and look at Kelli, she already knows the results, I can tell by the hurt in her eyes.

I turn and walk out of the waiting room, and out of the hospital. I don't even go to the car, I just walk down the road, trying to clear my head.

How can I be his dad? How could I have been so stupid? Why now did she decide to come up now and mess everything up?! I can barely take care of three kids I don't need another one on top of it!

I don't know but right now I just need to clear my head. I look around a see a group of girls walking in the park, their shorts so tempting. No, I can't do that to my family! Hell, it doesn't matter my life is already fucked up and it just got worse!

Kelli's POV

I run out of the hospital, trying to find Jason. I'm not mad that he has another kid, I'm just pissed that he never told me about her. We can work through that though, I was talking to Stella and she said if he is the father that Jason can see him and as well as the kids but I don't know. I mean it's my husbands baby mama, that's a little weird.

As I drove down the street and snap out of my thoughts I look around for Jason. He has to be around here, he couldn't have walked that far in a small amount of time.

As I drive by the park I see a group of girls wearing almost nothing. I see one of the girls making out with a guy with sagging leather pants, and a red shirt. Like Jason's. I slam on my brakes, which makes them turns their heads. I see the boys face and sigh in relief one I saw it wasn't Jason.

I smile to myself and keep driving, I know that he wouldn't do that to me again, would he? Just then my phone rings, I hurry up and answer it, hoping it was Jason.

"Hello?" I answer. I wait for Jason's voice to come through but it is only Fredo.

"Hey Kelli, I was just going to ask what time you want me to feed the kids" he says. We left the kids with him, John and Za.

"Now is fine. Hey can you do me a favor, track Jason's phone and sent me the address" I tell him. I hear two small baby voices began to yell and Melanie telling them to be quite. I laugh at my silly kids.

"Ok will do boss" he says before handing up. I continue to drive around, looking in all the parks and alley ways for Jason. I just pry he didn't run off to do something stupid. I know it must be crazy for him, to have three kids then find out you fathered another son. But she should have kept her legs closed and he should have kept it in his pants.

After driving around for another ten minutes I get a text. I look down to see that it is from Fredo with an address.

Salem Hotel
54 Salem Street

What's he doing at a hotel? Maybe he just needed a break. Either way i turn my car around and head to the hotel. It was only three minutes away. I pull up the the front of the hotel and walk in.

"Hello, I was wondering if my husband checked in here. The name is Herman" I say giving them our fake name. The lady types on the keyboard then nods.

"Yes, room 193" she says handing me a key. I thank her and walk over to the steps. I walk down the hallway until I get to 193. I listen to the room, not hearing anything.

I knock and wait for someone to come to the door but no one does. So I take the key and unlock the door, I walk in hearing the shower running. I walk closer to the bathroom door and hear groaning. I began to laugh at him, and what he is doing.

"Oh Jason" I hear a female voice say. My smile drops and so does my heart. I open the bathroom door and the shower curtain to see Jason banging a girl.

"What t- Kelli! Kelli I can explain!" Jason says pulling out and away from the girl. I look at the girl and more hate, angry, hurt and shock feel my body. It was Kate, my ex best friend.

Without thinking I grab my gun out of my purse and shoot Kate right in the head. Her dead naked body sliding down the wall, blood going down the drain. I look at Jason who now has basketball shorts on.

"How could you?!" I say pushing him. I can't believe he did this to me. Again!

"Kelli let me explain" he says walking closer to me. I hold my hand up, telling him not to come any closer.

"Explain what? How you were just banging the one person I hate the most?!" I yell at him. He runs his hands through his hair and looks at me.

"She followed me here, got me alone and just, you know" he says trying to explain.

"Yet your are the one that mad the final decision. You did this Jason! What am I not enough anymore?" I ask him. As he explains my mind goes off somewhere else, thinking. He lied, cheated again. After he promised he would never do it ever again. Tears come to my eyes as I look down at my wedding ring. I take my right hand and pull the ring off of my left hand.

"Babe what are you doing?" Jason asks me. I look up at him, he is blurry from my tears.

"Jason I want a divorce" I simply say. As much as it pains me to say it, I can't have him hurting me or my kids anymore.

"What? No! Now put the damn ring back on your finger!" He shouts at me, taking a step closer. I take a step back and shake my head.

"No, I told you last time that if you ever did anything like this ever again I was going to leave!" I shout back. His eyes turn black and he takes a step closer. Then next thing I know I'm on the ground with a stabbing pain in my stomach and a stinging cheek.

"Your not leaving me! Now get up and come on!" He yells pulling my hair, dragging me across the ground. I manage to get my feet underneath me and I turn around, kicking Jason in the back of the knees, making him fall down.

I leans over and grabs my legs, pulling me down to the ground. He grabs my head and bangs it off the ground. I bring my arm up and punch him in the face. I open my eyes but everything is blurry from him hitting my head.

I stand up and shake my head, trying to get my eyes back to normal. I look down to see Jason getting up from the ground but before he can I round house kick him right in the jaw. He falls to the ground, knocked out.

I look down and notice that I still hand my ring in my hand. I lean down and put it in Jason's pocket. I look at him one last time then lean down and kiss him on the head.

I gather all my stuff and walk out of the hotel room but that's when i see two police officers walking down the hall. I turn back into the room and run into the bathroom, grabbing Kate dead body and putting it under the bed. Since she is short you can't see her feet sticking out. I pull off my gloves and put them in my pocket so my finger prints weren't in her body.

I go over to Jason and drag him over to the bed. I accidentally hit his head off of the nightstand, I lift his fat ass onto the bed so it looks like he is sleeping and then open the window so I won't go past the cops.

Once i make it make it to my car, I get in and lay my head back on the head rest. I need to find somewhere that I can get away from Jason and all his bullshit. But I can't take his kids away from him either. Ugh what am I going to do?!


Ok guys! There is some drama, cheating and abuse like zee_styles wanted and others as well!!
More to come to!!

Thanks for reading

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