Chapter 29

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Kelli's P.OV

Buckling Sophia in I smiled as taylor finished buckling Adrian into his seat. "Thanks" I smile then look around so Im guessing Auburn is so small that their wouldn't happen to be a motel right?" I asked Taylor as he came around to the other side of the car. "Uh yea you would be right" he replyed with a chuckle and I frowned where was I gonna stay still I was able to look at the house? "Look I know we just met but if you need a place to stay you can stay at my aunts ranch...She well shes an older lady and my uncle passed away awhile ago, I live with her...Im the ranch hand and I do most of the work your welcome to stay intill you find a place to live" feeling my heart thump in my chest I furrowed my eyes brows. Couls I trust this guy? I just met him, What if we some child molester or a killer but then again I was a killer Id been train to murder and I was pretty sure I could take him if needed and besides some people were jusg this nicw right? "Ok um thanks do you have the address?" I asked looking down at my phone "Um let me help my grandma get my grandpa in the car and Ill drive ok?" Nodding I waited for him to walk away before grabbing the gun and hidding it in the diaper bag. Sighing I got into the passenger seat and laid my head against the head rest. Getting in Taylor smiled at me "Ready?" Handing him the keys I nodded and lean back in my seat and before I knew it I was asleep. Next think I knew Taylor was standing next to me lightly shaking my shoulder "Kels we're here come on the kids are already inside" rubbing my face I got out of the car and looked around we were on a good six acers of land and well it was beautiful. Lush grass cover half of the land and near by five horses grazed and a few goats and Llamas? I think. Hearing clucking noises I could tell there was chicken coop somewhere  not visible. "Its alot to take in isnt it?" Taylor asked and I jumpes forgetting he was next to me "Yea it is but its beautiful" I replyed as he lead me toward the house. A two story house a white color with a brown lining what looked to be horse stables sat maybe fifty feet from the house and a barn as about a hundred feet from there. He wasnt joking when he said ranch this place was amazing. I think I certainly wanna live in Auburn if this as even auburn. "Is this Auburn Taylor?" I questioned as Mel came running out the house "Momma His Auntie Made cookies!!" She giggled waving a cookie in her hand. Smiling I picked her up as she munched away happily "Yes it is or atleast a part of it the house thats for rent is up the litte hill over ther its Actucally the one a house away from my grandparents its adorable you love it" he replyed as we walked into the house. Setting Mel down I followed Tay into the kitchen where I would meet his grandma. "Oh Tay I made your favorite Lavender and chocolate chip cookies and ah you must be Kelli the mother of these adorable children Im Silvia Whitehorse" I was completely stunned by this women she was not old one bit Taylor had lied to me she had deeply tan skin and beautiful almond eyes identical to Tays she was about as tall as me and had this long mane of honey brown hair streaked with bits of red and gray. "Yes I am its nice to meet you thank you for letting me stay here Ma'am" smiling she pulled me in fo a hug "No problem we're all for helping a young woman with children very beautiful.children at that, Your welcome here as long as you want and help yourself to anything although I do make all meals Since well its the only thing Tay here lets me do around this ranch" blushing Taylor hid his smile "Im gonna show her to the room they'll be staying in ok? Come on Kels" following him I grabbed the baby carriers and Tay grabbed the suitcases following him the flight of staires I followed him down a long doorway and to the right opening the door he set my bags on the floot and I set the carrier's on the king sized bed and smiled "Thanks for letting me stay here really" blushing he scratched his neck embarssed "No problem um we have two old cribs from when me and my sister were children I can bring them if you like" Was there anything this guy couldn't do? "Um maybe later thank you tho" he nodded then bit his lip "Would you like to go for a horse back ride?" Looking at him I smiled "Sure um but the kids?" "Oh my aunt will watch them she loves them already its been awhile since theres been little kids running around here" making an O face I nodded and told him id be down in a few. He nodded and took the kids down to his aunt. Digging though my bag I pulled out an oldish pair of blue jeans, a black tank, and a red flannel shirt. Changing into the oufit I slide my feet back into my supras and pulled the fake hair into a poney tail praying that it wouldn't come off. Walking down the staires I couldnt help but feel giddy itd been a long time since Id rode horse back all I rember was loving the feel of it. "Your already look like girl raised in auburn" Taylor smiled as we walked toward the horses taking a white one by the bit he lead the dapple gray animal  over to where I stood "This is Dasiy, And daisy this is Kelli shes gonna ride you ole girl" Taylor said in a soothing manner. Taking my hand Taylor put it out some, This caused the mare to whinny and press her nose into my palm. "She approves" Taylor chuckled and handed me the bit walking over he grabbed a beautiful black horse by the bit and we walked over to barn where Taylor pushed open the doors to reveal a bunch more animals and a tack wall where quite a few saddles lay in a neat row.  Picking up a saddle Taylor saddled his horse then saddling Daisy. "Do you need help?" He asked gesturing to the stirrup "Naw Im good" I smiled before hoisting myself up and into the saddle.

*Ten Mins Later

Walking side by side down the rode we began to climb the small hill that lead to where the house for sale was. "Taylor why'd you lie about your aunt being old?" I asked as we moved at a leisurely pace "Huh? Oh You noticed huh" "Yea" I replyed with a smile "Well I didnt she is in her 70s she just she doesn't act like it or look like it, plus  she loves the farm but well she got hurt a.few years back and well I treat her like she's older then she is cause I dont want her to get hurt again and well I had other reason to" he replyed looking over at me a smile on his face "You remind me of a girl I used to be best friends with when I was young You even have the and well I wanted to get to know you" blushing I smiled "Well Im glad you let me stay with you, You seem pretty cool to if I do say so my self" blushing he looked down at the horses neck "Thanks" he mumbled as he lead me down a dirt drive way toward a light blue two story house.

"Wow its beautiful" I replyed slipping off of Daisy I walked up the frount door pushing it open I notcied there were other people walking around to. "Ahhh welcome to the tour of Sigmond Manor are you here for the open house" a lady in blue suit smiled a way to enthusiastic smile. "Um yea but Sharon look Ill just show her around ok?" Taylor asked and the women looked relieved "Ok Taylor" she smiled a real smile and walked away.  Following Taylor around the house I couldn't help but know this was my house its was perfect three small rooms and one master, One and a half baths, one living room, one sitting room, a dinning room, and the kitchen of a life time. The master room and the living room both  lead out onto two separate baclonys that both had staires balconys on.the first floor. It had a single car garage and a largish yard to the side. It also had pool with a beautiful large deck surrounding it.  It was thw perfect family home...there was a small hill that lead down into a pond at the back of the house and it just it was all around the perfect family home for me and my kids. And before I could stop my self I walked over to Sharon and the wors tumbled out of my mouth "Ill by the house Ill pay whatever I need to but I want to own this house" her eyes widened and she smiled. "Ok well after some paper work and money you'll own the house Mrs? um I didn't get your last name" "You can just call me Kelli how much do I need to pay?" "70 thousand Kelli" sucking in breath I sighed this would leave me 20 thousand left of the hundred I took from the house considering I spend 9 on the used car. "Ok Ill come down to the office tommarow Ill be paying it all in cash ok?" Looking happy she smiled "Yes of course she you tommarow Kelli" she smiled and began closing down the

Walking.back.out to Dasiy I hoisted my self up and into the saddle Taylor not far behind me. "Wow that didn't take long" letting out a breath I hadn't known that Id been.holding I sighed " didnt.but I just I could tell that I belonged there it just felt like the house was made for me.and I just needed to...and Well maybe I think.your a good guy and Id love friends and Id love to see more.of this beautiful girl" I smiled.leaning down and patting Daisy thick.neck. The horse Whinnied and flicked her ears back at me in response "She likes you alot" Taylor smiled at a pink blush tinting his cheeks.  Smiling I.felt.happy for the first time in days...I felt relaxed and

Ok Just so you know im not bella so dont get mad if this is a.crappy.chapter. she's gone for the weekend.and gave me the amazing chance to write for one of my favorite books and here.and.for my wonderful friend. Any ways I hope this chapter was ok....Its just sort of a filler type thing till Bells gets back....I know it moves kinda fast and.maybe is a little.bit confusing but I.hope you guys like it. I go by lawren0000 but every one calls me Alexis so guys might as well to I hope you like it :)
Love your girl

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