Chapter 21

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*not Mel ^ but cute pic anyway*
Jason's POV

"I want another baby" I say looking down at her. She looks up at me in shock and once she sees im not joking she puts her feet on the ground. Her head only coming to my chest because of how short she is.

"Jason you not know that you have two two month old twins in there?" She asks me putting her hand on her hip. I look and look back at the twins room.

"But I want a house full of them. Like seven or eight of them" I say laying my hands on her hips. She shake her head.

"There is no way I'm going to have eight kids." She says crossing her arms over her chest. I laugh at her cuteness and kiss her head.

"We'll see" I say walking off.

"No we won't. I'm having any more kids, maybe one but that's it, even then not for a couple of years." She says following behind me. I laugh and nod my head.

"We'll see" I say again.


"Baby are you sure you doing want help?" I ask Kelli, hugging her from behind. She is in the kitchen cooking tonight's dinner for my whole family almost. My dad, his wife and the two kids are coming and so is mom and Dom. The gang is also going to come so Kelli is very nervous.

"No I don't need help ok. Just go check on the kids" she says waving her hand. I sigh and nod, not wanting to fight with her. I walk into the living room where all tree kids were. Mel was watching tv and the twins were in their swings. They love those things.

"Hey baby girl what's up" i say picking Mel up and putting her on my lap. She lays her hand on my chest and sighs.

"What's the matter Princess?" I ask her, kissing her head. She looks up at me with her big brown eyes.

"Daddy, when I get boyfend?" She asks me. My eyes widen and my mind starts to race.

"What do you mean sweetie?" I ask her. She shrugs and looks at the princess movie.

"The pincess have boyfends, why don't I habe one den?" She asks me putting her small hand in her little hips. I sigh and rub my face.

"Well baby, your not going get a boyfriend for a long time. When you turn fourth you can have one, but until then you can talk to a boy, only me and Adrain" I say. I don't want any man touching, looking or even thinking about my daughters.

"But daddy" she says giving me puppy eyes. I sigh and pull her close.

"I just don't want anyone hurting you or your sister" I say hugging her.

"Daddy, i you daughter, i McCann" she says with a smile. I look at her in shock then pick her up, spinning her around the room.

"Yes you are and never forget it" I say tickling her stomach. She laughs and begs me to stop ,after a while I do and sit her down on the couch. I walk over to Sophia and Adrian who are in their separate swings.

"Hey babies" I say kissing both of their heads. They just learned how to kick their feet really fast so both of them start to do it. I laugh and tickle both of them, I can't believe they are two months old.

"Jason, your dad is here!" I hear Kelli shout from the kitchen. I stand up and straighten out my shirt. I tell Mel to watch the babies because if anything happens she will yell.

"Hey son" Dad says as I walk into the kitchen, where the front door is. I walk over and hug him, Melissa, Jazzy and Jaxon.

"This is a beautiful home Jason, oh I brought the pasta Kelli asked for" Melissa says handing the pasta over to Kelli. They both go back to the stove and start working on dinner again. Sure she lets her help but not me?

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