Chapter 32

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*i spent all night,(until 3 this morning) writing for your guys, knowing I had to get up at 8am. Your welcome. *

Kelli's POV

I was pushed out of the way as a gun went off. I hear shouting and wrestling around me but I was to scared to open my eyes, yes me, Kelli McCann was scared.

That's when anger hit me, he dare come into my house and shoot at me with my kids in the damn house! I open my eyes to see Justin laying on top of me, he was the one that pushed me away.

I hear another shot, I stand up and pull my gun, pointing it at Taylor. He holds a gun to Fredos head, who is already bleeding from the arm but I ant tell it's just a flesh wound.

"You have two second to put the gun down or I will paint the walls with your blood" I say in a stone cold voice. He looks at me then slowly puts down his gun.

"Outside. Now." I say pointing to the door, he slowly walks out and I follow him with the gang behind me.

"Now what the hell do you think your doing coming into my house with my kids in there shooting?!?" I yell pushing him. He stumbles back and someone grabs my arms, holding me back. And oh course it's Justin.

"Kelli do you know how this is?" Derek asks me from behind. I look at him with a look that say 'do I really care, no I don't'. He shakes his head and steps closer.

"This is Taylor Balwyn. He is the leader of the south California gang, SIN" he says with anger in his voice. I look at Taylor, maybe that's where I know him from.

"No, you know me from somewhere else" he answers me. I really need to stop taking out loud.

"Kelli you don't remember? Oh my god you don't remember?!? I thought you would by now" he says rubbing his face.

"What the hell are you talking about!" I yell losing my patience. He looks up at me and takes a step closer, but I stop him by rising my gun.

"When we were seven you fell off your bike, because the Chris kid pushed you. I was there to help you, and i had a major crush on you, but years later you ended up with Chris and I had to leave before I would ask you out" he tells me. I look at him up and down, I don't know if I should trust him or not.

"That day when I ran into you at the mall and you introduced yourself I remembered you and my feelings came back" he says. I look at him confused.

"Then why did you come to my Josie trying to kill me!" I yell because I still haven't gotten my answer and I can hear my kids screaming for me. I look at Fredo who's arms is already wrapped, he walks into the house and to the kids.

"Because I was scared! I thought that you were going to do something crazy" he asks looking to the side. I squint my eyes at him then look at the gang. They shake their heads and I look back at Taylor.

"Who did you call?" I ask him. He looks up at me in shock. He sighs and rubs the back of his neck.

"My gang, they will be here soon" he says.

"Hell no! If they see that we are here they will kill everyone! Even the kids Kelli we have to go" he says pulling my arm. I think about it for a second them look back at Taylor.

"What did you say when you called them?" I ask him. He thinking them looks at me.

"That I just need help. They will be here in about five minutes" he says looking at his phone.

"Ok, you call them and tell them not to come and we won't have a problem. But if they come then I can't promise you that you will be alive by the end of it" I say. He nods and pulls his phone.

"Kelli!! Come look!" I hear Fredo say from inside the house. I run into there and see him looking at the tv. I see Melanie run over to me and I pick her
Up while watching the news.

"Killer Jason McCann has been ordered the death sentence and will be executed tomorrow morning" the new man says before the normal tv show came on. I drop the the ground with Melanie still in my arms.

I feel a huge pain go through my chest, into my heart. I try to breath but I felt like the walls were closing In on me.

"Kelli breath! Breath!" I hear everyone shouts at me. But it didn't stop me from continuing on with my panic attack.

"Mommy, please!" I hear Mel crying. I snap out of it and look at her, she had bright red cheeks and tears running down them. I hug her tight and rock her back and forth.

"What's going to happen to dada?" She asks while crying. I shake my head and kiss her on the head.

"Nothing ok. Mommy and the others are going to get him and bring him home ok. Would you like that?" I ask her. She nods her head super fast. I stand up and hand her to Fredo.

"Ok, Justin I want you to find out where he is and make a flight plan there. Za make up a plan to get in, John make a plan that will take out all the cameras. Fredo, i want you here with Maegan, Pattie and the kids to keep them safe. Derek while everyone is doing that I want you to help me pack up everything so we can move" I say. Everyone nods but I hear a voice speak up.

"Wait your moving?!" I turn to look at the owner of the voice and see that it is Taylor.

"Yes! I can't just stay here now because everyone in this small damn town knows who I am now!" I yell getting mad. He shakes is head and steps closer but I give him a look, telling I'm not to.

"Everyone around here knows about the gang life. Hell my grandfather was the leader of SIN before it was pasted down to my dad then me." He explains.

"Ok but what about your gang. We hate each other" I say. I don't want to have a revival gang anywhere near my kids.

"I will talk to them. They have to listen to me" he says. I squint my eyes at him.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask him. He looks down then back at me.

"Those kids have been through enough shit and shouldn't go through anymore. This is a good place to raise them and I'm sure Jason will like it to" he says. Now that I think about it I do need to stop moving them around so much. That just shows how much of a bad mother I am!

"Ok Derek just help John and I'll help Za" I say turning to Derek. He nods and walks over to John. I was walking to Za when someone grabbed me and pulled me into the kitchen. I look up to see Justin standing there.

"Your really going to take him back?" He asks me with anger and hate in his voice.

"Of course! I'm not going to let him die! That's my husband, the father of my children and your bother" I say. He rolls his eyes and looks at me.

"What about all the stuff he pulled? Huh? Look at your arm for heaven sakes Kelli!" He says

"Maybe this knocked some sense into him, knowing that he is going to die and the only thing he is taking with him is the guilt of what he did! But we might be able to save him if you kept talking" I say pulling away. My phone goes off saying I have a text, I look at it to see it is my private pilot sahib the plane was ready.

"Ok guys lets go! Fredo, Maegan and Pattie please take care of them." I say kissing all my kids on the head. They don't want me to go but I know I have to.

"And you! You stay here and make sure nothing happens also!" I say to Taylor as I walked out the door. I got in the car with the gang getting in, the ones that didn't fit got into another car.

We got to the airport and we get on the plane. It is only an two hour flight and Jason's execution is five hours away. It will be close to get there and get him out,it's going to be tricky but I'll do anything to get my baby back


Ok so I know you may think Kelli is giving in easily but just wait until next chapter to see. It will explain more!

Jason in next one!!
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Thanks for reading
~Bella 💋

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