Chapter 12

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*A/n sexual near the end😉 just kidding it pretty bad but I tried*
Kelli's POV

It's been a couple weeks since Jason has left and he hasn't been back since. Its starting to take a toll on the kids and on me, not to mention the gang.

Now that he is gone I have to take care of the gang, thank god for everyone helping me with the business and the kids, if I didn't have them id go crazy.

"The person you have tried to re-" the voice from the other side of the phone says. I hang up before it can finish, I was trying to call Jason but you can see how far that got.

"Still no answer?" Pattie asks with a sad look, a shake my head and put down the phone. I look down at Sophia who is laying in her swing, Adrain in his right next to her.

"Do you have any idea where he is?" She asks talking a sip of her coffee. I shake my head once again. Melanie walks into the room and crawls up on my lap, her head on my chest. She soon falls asleep.

"No and It really scares me. I don't know if he is alive or dead, if he's hurt." i say thinking about all of the possibilities.

"Why did he leave again?" She asks. I sigh and kiss Mel's head.

"It started about a week back, he started to getting more angry and stuff, then one morning when I went to feed the babies he started yelling at me telling me to shut them up. Then he left right after that, a little bit later he came back, we got into a fight and he left. Hasn't been back since" I say playing with Mel's hair.

"What caused him getting that angry?" She ask.

"Well he was really stressed and still under so much pain because of him getting shot. So that caused him to go out and get some pills, I don't know where but Fredo said that they help relax you but they just made him angry" I say. Fredo said that the pills where made to relax you and take away the pain but obviously that didn't work.

"Well I guess all we can do it pry that he is safe and comes home soon" she says taking another sip of her coffee. I nod my head, showing that I agreed with her.



It has now been five weeks since Jason has left and I am beyond worried. I have had everyone from the gang out looking for him, even Dom and no one has found him yet. I'm freaking out even more every day he isn't home, yes I'm mad that he did the pills, yes I'm mad that he left me and the kids but I love him so much and I can't lose him.

"Mama, where's dada?" Melanie asks for the tenth time today. I sigh and rub my face, trying to to blow up at her.

"Melanie for the last time I don't kn- Jason?" I ask as I see him walk through the front door. He holds some roses in his hands and a sad/sorry look on his face.

"Dada!" Mel says running over to him. He picks her up and spins her around, kissing all over her face. I shake my head and walk up to the twin's room to check on them. I notice that they both needed changed so I picked up Adrian first, placing him on the changing table.

"Looks like daddy's back" i whisper to him, I know that he is only a couple weeks old, almost a month and can't understand me but when I said Daddy he starts kicking his legs. After he was done I placed him in his little car seat so I can easily take him down stairs. I walk over and pick up Sophia, changing her and doing the same.

"Did you miss me?" I hear a husky Canadian accent speak up. I just stayed looking at the twins, not bothering to look at him, I felt him wrap his arms around my waist and he cuddles in head into my neck. I wiggle my way out and pick up the twins diaper bag and then the twins, carefully walking down the stairs.

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