Chapter 31

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Read End notes!!!!

Kelli's POV

I was putting Melanie's clothes in her closet when the doorbell rang. I pried that it wasn't Taylor because he has been non stop up at ass, in a bothering way not sexually because that's just not cool, I'm still technically married!

I walk into the living room and open the door. My mouth drops with surprise and my tears fill with tears.

"Surprise!" They all shout. I look at the gang, along with Pattie and Dom.

"Oh my god! How are you guys? How did you find me?" I ask smiling. I try to hug all of them, even though it made me nervous that they found me, only because Jason can do the same thing, which I wouldn't mind.

"Well we tracked your call yesterday and found you. We asked the lady at the office, she lead us here!" Maegan says landing her hand on her huge stomach.

"Well come on in! It's small but its fits the four of us" I say walking father into the house, with them following me. We walk more into the living room where the kids were. Once Mel saw Alfredo she ran over and jumped on him, they hugged each other tight. I missed them together.

"Come on I'll show you around" I say. They nod and I began to show them the house. Like I said it is small but cozy. It will work for the kids and I.

"So I saw some horses out front. Have your ridden them yet?" Justin asks putting his arm around me. I smile and nod.

"Yes there is this white one, her name is Daisy. She is amazingly beautiful" I say recalling back to the other day when I went riding with Taylor.

"So how have you two been?" I ask Maegan and Pattie since they are both about six months pregnant (I forgot how many months they are but we will just go with 6)

"Ok, they guys have helped out a lot" Pattie says leaning up against Dom's chest. He lightly wraps his arm around her waist and kisses her on the head

"Have you found out what you are having yet?" I ask them. They both shake their heads no.

"A lot has been going on but we plan to find our when we get back" Maegan replies. I nod and walk into the kitchen while they sit down in the living room. I pull out some noddles and some sauce and began to make everyone lunch.

"Mm you know I love this dish" I hear someone say behind me. I turn to see Justin leaning against the counter. I smile and look back at the pot that I was filling with water. I put it on the stove and turn it on

"So what's up with this?" He asks touching a piece of my fire red wig. I smile and look up at him.

"It's my hidden look. I can't take the chance of anyone recalling me." I tell him. He nods and look in my eyes with his caramel brown ones that are just like Jason's.

"You changed your eye color too, their green. I like it" he says lightly laying his hand on my cheek. I continue to look into his eyes and enjoy his touch until I heard someone clear their throat. I look behind Justin to see Pattie standing there, looking at us before waking in the kitchen, over to the sweet cabinet.

I laugh and was about to turn to Justin but I realize he is gone. I turn back to see Pattie eating a candy bar with pickles. I remember the pregnancy cravings and I don't miss them at all

"Hey Pattie can I ask you something?" I ask. She wipes her hands and nods

"Ok so it's about Jason. It's just when I first met him I noticed that he would snap easily. Like when he would get really mad about something he would turn like almost into another person. I was just wondering if you know anything about this" I say while putting the noddles into the boiling water.

"Does his eyes go black when this happens?" She asks me. I nod, every time he would get super mad, protective or something doesn't go his way his eyes black out. She sighs before responding.

"Jeremy was the same way. He would get mad to the point he would punch walls down. But Jason has never touched you like that has he?" She asks me with sadness in her voice. I look to the ground and nod.

"He's called Danger when he turns like that. His nickname on the streets is danger because of how fast he can snap. Just like yours is 'fearless' his is Danger." Justin says walking into the room. How come I have never heard of this? But it does mean perfect since.

"Daddy daddy!" I hear Mel shout from the living room. My heart races as I run in there. I look around only to not see him, my heart kind drops.

"Uh Kelli, you might want to see this" Za says looking at the tv. I look at it to see the words 'Breaking News' across the screen. Then I see it.

Jason's mug shot.

"This just in, the international criminal Jason McCann has finally been caught! McCann has been at larger for many years, doing unthinkable evil things. McCann was seen in London earlier and they cops made a risky move of taking him down. He is now in jail, waiting for the judge to decide if he will stay in jail for the rest of his life or immediate death." She says. Everyone in the room is quite, even the kids.

"McCann was alone, he was not with his wife of three years, Kelli McCann, also known as Kelli Hall. Hall(McCann) has disappeared with her and Jason's three kids. But it won't be long until the cops take her down as well" she says. They show a picture of me, my heart drops and I just pry that no one around hear watches the news.

"We will have more information on this story at 7:00 tonight" she says before signing off. Everyone is now looking at me

"What are you going to do?" Derek asks me. I look at them then down at the kids who are looking and crying over Jason's mug shot, saying how much they miss him.

"I'm going to save Jason. I'm going it get him out of there and leave, move to wherever the hell I need to but I'm not going to let him stay in the jail because I know that they are going to kill him!" I shout.

"So your just going to take him back after everything? He freaking shot you Kelli! He beat you and neglected the kids and you are going to take him back?!" Justin shouts in my face.

"Jason is an amazing father! He never hurts those kids and can't you see how much pain they are from being away from him? And if me being neglected and hurt by him just to keep him alive then I will do it!" I shout back. We were getting closer and closer to each other. People try to hold us back

"I can't be-" Justin was cut off by a knock on the door. Everyone freezes and i turn to Maegan

"You, Pattie and the kids go to my bedroom, lock yourself in there and hid the kids" I order them. They nod and take the kids. The gang members hold their guns, getting ready for whoever is at the door. Even Dom is ready to fight.

I slowly walk to the door and slowly open it. Leaving one hand on my gun in my waist band. Once the door was open I see Taylor standing there, with a gun pointed at my face.


I'm going to end it here ;)
I felt bad for not updating in a could of days so two in a day!

So the gang is back!

What's going to happen to Jason?!?

How did he get caught?

How should Kelli get him out?

Should they end up back together?!?
What's up with Justin and Kelli?

What should Patties and Maegans babies be?

Thanks for reading

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