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This is a really good song and I think it goes well with the first part of this chapter so here.


"Vernon, I don't think I trust you enough to let you blindfold me and bring me somewhere," Seungkwan stated as he was sitting in the car next to Vernon, who was humming happily. "It'll be fun, I promise," Vernon replied, staring out of the window. "You better keep that promise." Seungkwan hissed as the car stopped. Seungkwan felt the door open beside him and he slowly stepped out, before he tripped on a step and almost fell into a prickly bush. Luckily, Vernon caught him in time. They took two steps forward before Seungkwan felt himself being lifted up bridal style.

"Vernon!" Seungkwan screamed, holding onto his carrier's neck. "I know, I know. But this is the fastest way possible." Vernon told Seungkwan as he started walking down a small lane. He finally stopped in front of a small hedge and pushed some leaves away, revealing a secret door. He walked in and closed the door behind him. Setting Seungkwan down, he slowly took off his blindfold. Seungkwan hesitated for a second before he slowly opened his eyes. The sight in front of him looked like it had been taken out of a fairy tale book. In front of him was a small garden with a table in the middle. Nearby was a white swing seat with a small teddy bear on it.

 Nearby was a white swing seat with a small teddy bear on it

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"Wow, it's... so beautiful." Seungkwan gasped as he walked up the cobbled lane with Vernon close behind. Seungkwan sat down at the table as Vernon took out the cakes and pastries, they had bought on their way here and set them down on the table. The two ate in silence, but not the uncomfortable type of silence, the relaxing kind. Seungkwan looked over at Vernon, who was stuffing his face with cake and giggled, causing Vernon to look at him weirdly. "So, how did you find out about this place?" Seungkwan asked. Vernon looked at him smiling, "My family and I used to come here together all the time. It was fun, we blew bubbles and ate cake. I really loved those times." Vernon looked at the teddy bear seated on the swing. "The last time we came, my sister left her teddy bear here. She said that when she came back, she would have a new shirt for the bear. She is really good at knitting, you know..." Vernon looked down at his cake, suddenly losing his appetite. "She went missing 2 months ago, the police have already given up on looking for her and Mum and Dad can't stop fighting." Vernon choked on his own tears as he tried to not cry. Seungkwan wrapped his arms around Vernon and pulled him into a hug, his own tears threatening to come out.

"It's going to be alright," Seungkwan said, trying to reassure the younger as Vernon finally let his tears out, crying into the elder's chest.  


Chan walked up the steps of his house slowly, dreading what his mother would say when he got inside. As he closed the door, he heard his mother call him from the living room. Chan took a deep breath and entered the living room. "Hi mum, you called me?" His mother looked at him angrily, "You remember you had tuition class today, right Lee Chan?" Chan gulped and looked down at his feet, "I'm sorry, I had dance class today and I forgot about it. But I promise I'll do all the homework and revise whatever the teacher taught." Chan said, finally looking up to meet his mother's gaze. "No, this is not acceptable. You are banned from dancing young man. You should be focusing on your studies. Dancing is not going to get you anywhere do you understand. You need to get into a good university so you can become someone more useful, like a doctor."

"I'M DOING WHAT I LOVE. IS THAT WRONG?" Chan shouted back. He had never talked back to his parents before but he couldn't take it anymore. His mother looked at him before shouting back. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE. I DON'T HAVE SUCH A DISAPPOINTING SON LIKE YOU!" Chan looked at her one last time before walking out of the door, slamming it shut. Sitting down and leaning on the door, Chan felt tears start to run down his cheek, and he didn't do anything to stop it. After all, he was just a disappointment.


Seungcheol got out of the car and walked up the steps. He planned to eat at his favourite restaurant since his dad was out of the country. As he stepped into the restaurant, he was welcomed by the owner of the shop, Ms Lee. "Seungcheol, how have you been. It's been a long time since I last saw you." Ms Lee said as she showed him to his table. "I've been great Ms Lee; how has the restaurant been doing?" Seungcheol asked. "It's been doing good. Would you like the same order?" "Yeh, that would be great. Thank you so much." Seungcheol handed the menu back to her, smiling. "My son will bring your tea out soon." And with that, Ms Lee disappeared into the kitchen. Seuncheol looked around the small shop, there were quite a lot of customers, compared to the last time he came here, but overall, it was a quiet restaurant where you could relax and eat really good ramen.

"Here is your tea, sir." a voice pulled Seungcheol out of his head. Seungcheol looked up to thank the waiter only to be face to face with Seokmin. "What are you doing here?" Seungcheol asked. Seokmin must have just recognized because he looked just as shocked as Seungcheol. "My...my parents own this shop," Seokmin answered, placing Seungcheol's tea on the table. Seungcheol raised both of his eyebrows at Seokmin but nodded anyway. The two looked at each other awkwardly as Seokmin didn't know whether to leave or to ask Seungcheol something. Just then, Ms Lee came out with a bowl of ramen and placed it on the table. "Here you go. Ah, I trust you have met my son, Lee Seokmin." Ms Lee said, before turning to look at her son. "Seokmin I'm going to get some groceries and pick your mum up, look after the shop while I'm gone. Bye." Kissing both boys on the forehead, she left the shop. It was 8 pm so there weren't many customers left, correction, all the customers had already finished their food and left, leaving only the two of them. Seokmin sat down in front of Seungcheol as Seungcheol dug into the food. "So, you have two mums?" Seungcheol asked. "Yeh. They're both really nice. Though some people don't really like me because of that." Seokmin answered, looking down at his hands. "Well, at least you have parents. Mine is so busy I don't see them at all." Seokmin looked back up, trying to find something to say.

Kling kling.

Saved by the store bell. Seokmin quickly got up to welcome the customer, leaving the conversation where it was. A drunk man in his 40 stumbled in and took a seat at a table. Seokmin grabbed a menu and walked over to the man. "Hello sir, here is the menu. What would you like to eat?" he asked in the most cheerful way he could manage. The man looked up at Seokmin and smiled weirdly. "I'd love to eat you," he said, standing up and getting extremely close to Seokmin. "Uhh, sir." Seokmin used the menu to try and push the man away but the man kept on coming closer and Seokmin kept on walking backwards until his back hit the wall. [ Oh great] Seokmin thought. The man grabbed Seokmin's butt while Seokmin tried to politely ask the man to step away. Suddenly, the man dropped onto the ground, knocked out.

"Don't you know how to hit someone when you're in trouble?" Seungcheol asked, looking at Seokmin. "I... I thought that if I aske...asked nicely h... he would leave." Seokmin stammered, sitting down on a nearby chair. Seungcheol looked at him for a while before he took the drunk, passed out man by the collar and dragged him out of the shop. Then he grabbed a mop and started mopping the alcohol the man spilt. Seokmin smiled at him and grabbed a broom, helping him to clean up the shop.


I think it's important to realize that you can miss something, but not want it back - Paulo Coelho💜

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𝗣𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗥𝗼𝗼𝗺 𝟯𝟰┃𝗦𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻 (𝗗𝗜𝗦𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗨𝗘𝗗)Where stories live. Discover now