𝕮Ⴙ@ᎮꝈé𝛤 22

19 1 0

How is everybody's day going?


"Jeonghan Hyung!" Chan shouted as he barged into the ward loudly, Samuel following closely behind him. Jeonghan, who was eating looked up at Chan innocently, smiling a soft smile. "Why didn't you tell me you were in the same hospital?" Chan asked, pulling a chair over to sit down next to Jeonghan while Samuel made a beeline towards the coach and started scrolling through his phone.

"I just woke up, Channie. How are you feeling?" Jeonghan prided himself to be the mother to the thirteen, making sure they ate and slept regularly as most of their actual parents failed to look after them. So of course, he was worried, his baby had just woken up from a deep sleep. What if he still did not feel well, or if he felt hungry.

"I'm fine. Are you hurt anywhere?" Chan asked, his eyes scanning Jeonghan's body. "Just some small scratches and bruises here and there, nothing to worry about," Jeonghan stated, mindlessly pushing his hair behind his ear. A habit he had picked up when he decided to keep his hair long. He liked that hairstyle, but his father, not so much, as his father had brutally cut it all off, saying he looked horrible with long hair.

"Really, then why is your ear or bandaged up?" Chan asked, pointing at the latter's ear. Jeonghan bit his lip, trying to come up with a valid excuse. "Hyung, you can't lie to me, you know that," Chan added, whining. Jeonghan sighed loudly, eyes drifting to Samuel, who was not paying attention. Jeonghan didn't know why he was trying to hide the reason from Chan, all the other boys knew about it, so why shouldn't Chan know.

"The person who kidnapped me placed a rose behind my ear and some of the thorns got stuck in my skin," he explained, smiling sadly. Chan hugged Jeonghan tightly, missing him a lot. The two stayed like that for a while, before an awkward cough was heard from the sofa.

"Sorry to break up this nice reunion, but can I ask why Wonwoo Hyung hasn't been answering me these days. He has something very special of mine I need back." Samuel said, avoiding Chan's eye contact. Jeonghan leaned back onto the bed, letting out a deep breath. He had planned to keep Wonwoo's disappearance a secret from the two younger boys for as long as possible. He knew the truth would come out eventually, but he didn't want them to worry just yet.

"He's out having fun with Mingyu, so I guess his phone is on silent." Jeonghan lied, making a mental note to tell Mingyu the lie so he wouldn't blow it.

"How could they go out without bringing us," Samuel said. He had gotten really close to the thirteen boys since the night he helped them unlock the doors to the studio. Usually, if they had any outing, he would join them too, having too much free time on his hands. "Because Chan still needs to stay in the hospital for another 3 days, and they know you're not going anywhere without Chan. Plus, they needed some couple time." Jeonghan said, as though it was very obvious. Chan looked at Jeonghan, tilting his head to one side.

"Are they dating?" he asked, genuinely curious. "No, but they will be soon." Jeonghan giggled, before lying down fully and closed his eyes. Taking the hint he wanted to be left alone, Chan and Samuel exited the room quietly.

"Chan, can you go back to the ward yourself. I need to go pick something up." Samuel piped up, looking at the boy next to him. Chan nodded his head. "Thank you, don't hurt yourself, okay?" Samuel said while he checked to make sure he had everything. "Of course, I won't. I'm not Mingyu Hyung." Chan said, chuckling at the thought of his Hyung, who was very clumsy.

"True," Samuel said before standing on his tippy toes to kiss Chan on the cheek. "See you then." And he ran off, leaving a flustered Chan to head back to his room alone.


Seungkwan and Vernon lay sprawled on Jihoon's couch, playing a phone game together. "No, Vernon. Why did you vote me out, it wasn't me." Seungkwan shouted, his face turning red from anger. "I didn't vote you off, what do you mean?" Vernon said back. The two continued bickering for the rest of the game, unaware that the house owner was standing behind them, fuming.

"BOO SEUNGKWAN! VERNON CHWE! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MY APARTMENT?" Jihoon shouted, balling his hands into fists. The two sat up straight hurriedly, looking around at the mess they had made. The pillows were thrown all around the room, the television was on, blaring Gods Menu by Stray Kids. Two big packets of chips were on the carpet and spilt everywhere.

"I JUST WENT OUT FOR 15 MINUTES, WHAT THE HECK!" Jihoon continued shouting, only to be met with a slammed door and an empty living room. "VERNON! SEUNGKWAN! DON'T LOCK THE DOORS!" Jihoon shouted, knocking on the door. If this was a cartoon, Jihoon's head would have been on fire due to how angry he was right now.

"Jihoon-nie, calm down. I'll help you clean up." Soonyoung said, pulling the shorter back towards the living room. Jihoon had gone out to meet Soonyoung at the bus stop as Soonyoung had gone out to buy groceries and the two of them had returned to the house looking like it was hit by a tornado.

Soonyoung started picking up the chips on the floor while Jihoon sat on the couch, sulking. "They made the mess, they should clean it up," Jihoon whined, causing Soonyoung to smile. "But the two of us are their hyungs. We should look after them." Soonyoung answered. Turning on the vacuum, he started to clean up the living room while Jihoon picked up the pillows and toys scattered on the floor.


"Do you think he's still outside the door?" Seungkwan asked Vernon, sticking his face onto the door. "Let's just stay here for the rest of the day," Vernon replied, jumping onto the bed. Seungkwan pouted as he made his way towards the bed. "But my phone is outside," he complained, lying down next to Vernon. "Let's take a short nap then go out. I'm kind of tired anyway." Vernon said, the last few words barely audible as he fell asleep. Seungkwan sat up and looked at Vernon, examining his features. His side profile was jaw-dropping, his hair falling perfectly on his face, his lips looking so kissable.

[ Okay, what? Stop thinking about this Seungkwan. That's creepy.] Seungkwan thought to himself. He snuggled closer to Vernon. Laying his head on Vernon's chest, he too drifted off into dreamland.


"Finally done!" Soonyoung shouted, sitting down on Jihoon's couch, looking around at the now spotless living room. Jihoon hummed in response, knocking on the door of the room Seungkwan and Vernon were still hiding in. "Do you think they're asleep?" Jihoon asked, walking over to Soonyoung, who was looking at his phone. "It's almost 10 pm, so I guess so. Come one, let's watch a movie." Soonyoung said, skimming through the options on the TV. He eagerly picked End Game and made himself comfortable. Jihoon chuckled before sitting down next to him, only to be pulled onto Soonyoung's lap. "Soonyoung! Let me down." Jihoon said, struggling against Soonyoung's hold.

"Come on, you're warm and I'm really cold." Soonyoung reasoned, his grip on Jihoon's hip tightening. "Then get a blanket, you idiot." Jihoon snapped at Soonyoung. "Fine." Soonyoung pouted as he let go of Jihoon and grabbed a nearby blanket. Jihoon scooted away from Soonyoung's lap and sat down next to him, hugging a pillow to hide the growing erection. It was going to be a long night.


When you look back, every youth is beautiful - S.coups 💜

Author 💎

𝗣𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗥𝗼𝗼𝗺 𝟯𝟰┃𝗦𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻 (𝗗𝗜𝗦𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗨𝗘𝗗)Where stories live. Discover now