Hear me out (Not a chapter)(Updated!!)

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Ok, so, after waking up to see the large favor of people for her versus those against. It was obvious who was going to win. BUT! For those against her, some of you gave me some very good reasons as to why. Such as: He's the "original dick" and first man so he's kind of Important. There's also Eve, who may or may not end up in the actual show itself at some point and is possibly someone VERY important to the story. And last but not least, you know, the end of season 1 kinda happens

So, with all that out of the way, I've thought of a solution that may allow both parties to be happy. Allow me to introduce you to:

Adiel (Name given to me by @Autark, thank you for that suggestion)
Twin Sister of Adam and "The fun (Read: Drunk) Aunt of Humanity (Title in progress)" 

(All the following Artworks are done by Siriu-chan [Seryu14826633] on twitter, I own none of these)

(All the following Artworks are done by Siriu-chan [Seryu14826633] on twitter, I own none of these)

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